Chapter Four

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Daniel closed the heavy wooden door behind him and allowed his back to slide down until he hit the ground. While he sat there. he finally took off the one boot that he had on and looked at the dark and small longhouse. If he didn't know better, he would have thought he was in the primal ages of Europe.

From what he could see, there was a vast assortment of clay pots and animal skins that hung up on a wooden drying rack. He stood up and walked towards a sleeping back that he spotted in the back corner. He frowned in disgust when the damp material squished at the slightest touch that was able to manage.

Looking back to the other wall, he went over and felt those as well. To his relief they were all dry, but they weren't very big. Something was better then nothing. Neatly near the door, he placed the largest of the batch on the ground and formed a small bird's nest. He rested in the middle of it and he felt like he was laying in a bowl. At least it kept the breeze from brushing over his skin.

He looked up at the ceiling and tried to sleep but images in the wreckage and the beach played through his mind. It went over and over again like a film that he couldn't stop playing no matter how hard he tried. Hundreds of questions swirled in his mind. What were those lights? Why did the boat explode?

Because when your aura transfuses to you it creates a burst of energy. All of yourenergies bounced off of each other and well... Things were interesting weren't they? A voice giggled in his mind. He bounced up quickly only to trip and fall down on the makeshift bed he had formed earlier.

"What?" He asked himself as he got up. He opened the longhouse door only to see a dark black void.

"You're asleep now." The same voice from the beach stated. He looked around frantically trying to find a source, but there wasn't anyone there.

"I could have sworn that I was still asleep." Daniel thought or said. At this point, he wasn't too sure of himself even as he frantically looked around the longhouse. Nothing happened for a few moments until a trail of water snaked under the door. It passed between his feet and collected in the middle of the room that rotated in place like a flat disc. Slowly, it sprang up into a thin column of water that materialized into a middle-aged woman that glowed like a fluorescent light. Even though she was obviously a ghost, he could tell that she had sun-kissed skin. Her hair was jet black and wavy with touches of silver. Her face was gentle and kind as she looked at Daniel like he was a long lost relative.

"Oh my, you are handsome." She giggled again to herself, "I remember when I was as young as you are." She continued, her thick accent made it hard for him to fully understand her. To him, it sounded like a blend of Greek and Barbadian.

"Where are you from?" Daniel asked as she thought carefully about what to say.

"I am not from Earth like you are. I am from the water kingdom of this world named Austurias." Daniel tried to understand what she said, but it didn't make any sense to him. Not from Earth? Where was he then?

"What is your name?" Daniel asked hoping for a more simple response.

"I am Caligo Pluviam Cataracta. But people that migrated to my home country nicknamed me Persephone." He understood why they would give her such a bold name to remember rather than her real name. Although she was aged, Daniel could imagine that she had been prettier once before.

"So are you..." He was stopped when she put a hand up to stop him.

"Unfortunately, I do not have much time. All I can do is transfer my knowledge over to you in your sleep and merge my knowledge of my magic into your memory so that you will know how to use it when the time comes. All you need to do is practice. I'm doing the hard part for you." She smiled happily even though Daniel was taken aback not knowing what to say. Magic? He himself didn't believe in magic even at a young age.

"What do you mean magic?" Daniel asked.

"You will find out and understand when the time comes. Sadly this is the last time we will speak. I cannot express how happy I am of who my aura has chosen to take my place and lead the people of the water kingdom." She melted back into a disc with a smile on her face. As quickly as it came the water went out the door and vanished.

After all the water was gone, he crawled back into bed against his will and closed his eyes. He opened his eyes again and he was able to stand beside the bed without falling over. As a test, he pinched himself and winced as he passed the sleep test. The smell of sweet blueberries filled the air and flooded his nostrils with the sweet fragrance. He rubbed his eyes and walked out of the house to get a drink of water.

He leaned over and dipped his hand into the cold water and allowed it to pool into his hands. He sighed as the refreshing water went through his system. When he walked back to the so-called village, there were lights coming from every house. They were similar to the ones that were in the sky the night before, but these lights weren't that bright. He shook his head and went back to his house so that he could focus on going back to sleep. Tomorrow was going to be a long day.

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