Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Bestienna stood in her palace at the core of a giant tree under-ground, where a human sized leaf shaped emerald was stuck into the ground. It pulsed with her heartbeat, radiating green light in the dark chamber lit up by green veins going into the roots of the tree. This delicate tree was carved into a home for the royal family before her. As she walked, she could feel the trees energy pulse like a heartbeat. Feel the water move through its veins. Feel the trees breath as it breathed out oxygen and replaced it with carbon. It may not be an animal, but it was just as alive as any.

She remembered the dark sandstone chamber in the fire kingdom, where the flame shaped relic's light slowly radiated light. When she touched it, she felt Alek's presence though the relic, or was she feeling the new pure element. She placed her hand on her own relic and felt the revitalizing energy lift her spirits. She was now at peace and calm despite her reflective state.

Poor Fiona, she thought. How she got herself wrapped up in the mess. Bestienna sighed knowing that she did all that she could do to warn Fiona of the danger. The two women weren't enemies, but fate has them pinned against each other. More so sisters in a heated argument. Bestienna could feel through the trees that she wasn't the only one in this reflective state.

Everyone had something to think about. Whether cherishing those they love. Regretting decisions, they've made. Contemplating if the fight is worth it. Or like her, missing those they love. It was a quiet night. An hour until sunrise.

She tried sleeping but sleep only greeted nightmares. Visions of Alek's death played over and over in her head like a movie on repeat. She was already feeling the drowsiness that came with no sleep. Today was going to be difficult to handle. So much to do in so little time. She had no idea how she was going to be able to defend two kingdoms at once while teaching Daniel to defend his own. Arthur won't teach him, but then again, he's a whole situation himself.

"Bestienna?" A sweet voice called from behind her in the dark room. She turned around to see a short, pale girl with fiery red and orange hair. For a fire and desert fairy, her skin was abnormally white. She seemed to fit in with the ice kingdom, except for the hair.

"Yes Forrest," Bestienna asked. When the women first met, Bestienna thought that her name was just a codename, but instead, birthname.

"Are you ok?" She sighed at the question. Bestienna forgot how empathic fairies were, especially with another fairy with them. How could Bestienna answer a question that she herself had been trying to answer all night. A sleepless, still night.

"I'm not sure love." Forrest nodded acknowledging the honesty, "What brings you down here?" She asked while Forrest walked into the room and placed a hand on the relic. Only certain fairies could know the location of the relic.

"There have been talk about the dark fairies from the south. It just has everyone spooked." Forrest exhaled sharply feeling the peace of the relic. Both left the room to leave the relic to sleep peacefully.

"I understand your concern. I reassure you that they won't get to the relic. They don't know all of our secrets." Even though the dark fairies were a part of the life kingdom, they were forbidden to know certain pieces of information, the relic, the most protected secrets of all.

"How do you know?" Forrest asked as they walked down the veined corridors of the tree. At the end of the hall, a spiraled staircase around the spine of the tree in the bark. The staircase was wide enough to have five people walk past each other comfortable.

"Because I made a promise to the celestials to watch over the relics to keep the planet safe from Jake's clutches. I won't let this poor planet suffer at his hands. I know what is at stake and what I must do to protect it." Bestienna was proud in herself for being able to stay courageous in these dark times. Fear suddenly washed over her. The war hasn't even officially begun yet, but something stirred. She could feel it.

"Are Daniel and Arthur ready to take that same risk?" Bestienna looked down at the fairy. She was offended for Daniel's sake, but understood the concern.

"Daniel may not know what it means to be king of a whole country, but I've seen him rise to an occasion when he wasn't ready and handle it well. People like Arthur and Fiona doubt his abilities as a hydromancer and king." Bestienna stopped talking and paused, she did feel something.

"But you don't?" Three women ran up the stairs towards them, all out of breath in a hurry.

"Queen Bestienna." One of them gasped between breaths, "There's a werewolf down in the great hall with urgent news. She needs to speak to you." Bestienna placed her hand on her shoulder.

"Forrest, please see that these three rest. I will speak to the werewolf alone." Bestienna pondered the implications of a werewolf with urgent news. It had to be about the southern kingdoms she was sure of it.

Down the stairs and through the front throne room, Bestienna noticed that a lot of the fairies were drawn to the arrival of the southern messenger. She walked through the doors and saw the familiar face from the meeting the previous morning. This had to be urgent for her to be back so soon.

"Alexandra? What are you doing back here already?" Bestienna noted the other werewolf standing next to her. A white and purple aura, they must have teleported.

"Fiona sent me to warn only you that Atlantic City in the Water Kingdom is going to be attacked tomorrow. Not sure what time." Bestienna's spine chilled as she couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"Alexandra, fill Forrest in one what's happening she'll know what to do. I need you to teleport me to the water kingdom palace and then to Daniel." She said quickly. Even though the event wasn't going to be for at least another twenty-four hours, it still wasn't enough time to evacuate half a million people. Not including tourists.

So, it begins.

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