Chapter One

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Daniel crept through the French forest in the middle of the dark night. It had been a long two months since Germany invaded the poor French country, unfortunately enough his vacation was cut short for that reason. He didn't think that The War would start while he was relaxing, but that's what he gets for thinking. He cursed under his breath as he travelled along the dark dirt road towards the docks, where he and his group would meet to hitch a ride away from France. All of them caught at the wrong place at the wrong time.

Under normal circumstances, Daniel wouldn't think that the group wouldn't have bat an eye at each other if it weren't for that attack on the city. The bar was pretty busy to begin with. An Irish spy on her own vacation for a few week, two British twins that were studying abroad for their medical school's foreign language program, and two forbidden lovers. A typical blonde hair blue eyed German man in love with a pale black French braided young woman. Then Daniel, a son of a fisherman and restaurant owner. Random people that "fate" had brought together to survive. Daniel had a long lasting, exhausting, relationship with one of them.

While still in thoughts recalling the events of the past couple of months, headlights slowly lit up the forest around him. Daniel quickly ducked behind the bushes. Daniel winced as he landed in a pile of md as the German vehicle powered by his hiding spot. He stayed there motionless and waited until lights behind him vanished completely. Another flash caused a chill to run down his spine when he thought a flashlight sought him out, but it was just a small streak of lighting in the sky. Daniel rolled his eyes at himself and slowly got up with low grumbles.

He looked down the road like a meerkat and looked for the red dots from the back of the vehicle to disappear into the night. Ahead of him, he could see the lights of the docks as a light fog began to roll in from the water. Only a little more to go. He understood why the others wanted to get there in separated groups, but it made the process a lot longer than it had to be.

Take out the guards and then take a boat. That's what Daniel's plan was before it got outvoted. Now it's taken out the guards, wait for everyone to get there, and then take a boat. A lot more complicated and extensive in Daniel's opinion, but apparently not enough people cared. Daniel continued on and felt anxious as the situation began to get real and serious. He waited by a tree right in front of the wooden dock that jutted out over the water.

"What took you so long?" A woman with dark brown, tied back hair asked. She walked out from behind a tree with her pale stomach flashing in the bright streaks of occasional lightning. Her Irish accent was full of impatience.

"There was a vehicle, so I had to stop for a moment." Daniel explained as she took a look at his clothing that was caked in mud. The corner of her mouth perked up in an amused expression. She readjusted her shirt and tied the back into a knot, which exposed more of her flat stomach. "Speaking of vehicles, was that the last one?" Daniel asked her, but she was too focused on her clothing and counting a couple of knives. "Fiona?" Daniel asked, trying to get her attention.

"What do you want? Do you see any other vehicles around? Keep your voice down too you lunatic." Fiona whispered in aggravation while trying not to yell. Something she loved to do besides getting into fights.

Daniel peeked out onto the pier. In the middle of the planked pier, stood a tall wooden gate that was probably locked. Connected to the pier was a makeshift metal tower, which looked like a safety hazard. Barrels and crate were stacked in random places against the rickety railings that are supposed to keep people from falling.

"There's three guards in the top of that tower." Fiona informed him as she watched the pier looking for any more movement like a hunting cat.

"They should all get medals. I wouldn't want to stand up in that tower not matter how much I got paid to do it." Daniel commented, not focused on what he needed to be. "Anyway, what's the plan?" Daniel asked as both of them dipped behind a bush when a silhouette of a man appeared up in the tower.

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