Chapter Thirty-One

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Waking up, Daniel smiled when he saw Isabel laying there peacefully on his arm. She yawned dramatically, turning to face him. He pulled her closer when he felt cold air rush over them. Close to falling asleep, someone knocked on the door and both sighed. Daniel pulled the comforter up to their shoulders as the door slowly opened. Sydney poked her head into the room.

"What are you two still doing in bed?" Sydney got a small decorative pillow thrown at her. She huffed in annoyance when Daniel laughed.

"Don't you have somewhere else to be?" Isabel dove under the covers so that she couldn't be bothered anymore.

Frustrated, Sydney grabbed a handful of sheets and covers and ripped them from the bed. She screamed and covered her eyes when she looked on the bed again. Isabel yelled something that Daniel couldn't understand through the commotion. Sydney covered her eyes so that she couldn't see anything.

"Why would you do that?" Isabel hollered, covering herself with a large pillow that covered most of herself.

"I didn't know you were naked." Sydney shouted back defensively, but Isabel still glared at her from under the pillow.

"It doesn't matter." Isabel yelled back. Kristen was drawn to the bedroom from the amount of screaming.

"What is going on in... Never mind." She left the room as soon as she looked at the bed. She backed into the room and grabbed Sydney so that she could leave them alone. Soon after, the door closed.

"Who needs an alarm clock when you have those two around?" Isabel complained with an angry throw of the pillow. She was already grumbling in irritation.

"Well good morning feisty." Daniel chuckled and she blushed before getting out of bed.

"Good morning." She stretched and stood there holding her stomach for a moment before she looked through a wardrobe that was next to the bed.

"Is everything alright with you?" She paused before saying anything that could make him worry any.

"I don't feel good. I should be fine in a little bit." She opened the wardrobe to a decent selection of clothing. She thumbed through the choices as a blue and grey striped thermal wrapped around Daniel's torso with black jeans, "You should go see what the alarm clocks wanted." Isabel frowned as he walked out of the room.

When he walked in, Sydney turned to face him and then looked away. Arms folded over her chest, "What's the matter with you?" She only shrugged in annoyance, even though she had nothing to be annoyed about. Daniel sat down and she moved to the other couch so she could look at him.

"Nothing's wrong other than the face that I just saw my best friend and her boyfriend naked together." She grimaced at the memory. Daniel rolled his eyes.

"I know I have been slacking off with my workouts. I may have gained only a couple pounds no need to cringe." Sydney opened her eyes with a look intending on slapping him.

"You hush up Mr. six pack, perfect chest, nice biceps... I'm going to use the bathroom." Sydney got up quickly and then Kristen followed confused.

"What happened?" Isabel sat down next to him, with her head on his shoulder.

"Nothing I think we may have impressed Sydney." She looked up with a serious stare.

"What do you mean?" She asked as the two walked out of the bathroom, Sydney still flushed cherry red, "So, I hear you liked what you saw?" Isabel was fighting back laughter when Sydney groaned.

"Whatever, I shouldn't have seen you naked in the first place." She shouted and folded her arms again.

"That's what you get for being rude. Lesson learned right?" Isabel shouted back before settling her head back onto his shoulder, "Why were you waking us up anyway?" Isabel waited for the response as the two women looked at each other.

"For some reason Arthur wanted almost everyone to meet in the dining hall for an important meeting. This morning has been bad." Daniel frowned wishing that Alise or Tyler was here to advise him on what to do.

"What are you talking about?" Isabel asked before he could, he felt her heartbeat pick up a little bit.

"Jake, undead king, has declared war on everyone north of Cavaroon. Alan declared war on Arthur. Bestienna declared war on Joseph." Sydney paused to look at Kristen, "And Fiona may be declaring war on Daniel, nothing solid." He could feel Isabel's slight gasp at the news.

"At least there will be food there." Kristen commented, which got Isabel up and almost at the door immediately.

"At least we know what gets her motivated." Sydney laughed as they followed her out of the door.

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