Chapter Fifty-Three

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In front of him a gigantic beast growled carrying a giant war club that was scattered with sharp shards of purple tinted obsidian. Daniel rolled away from the swing groaning hoping that his roll was faster than the orc's swing. Back on his feet, Daniel sighed with relief and then his hand glowed light blue and then the small amount of the orc's mana glowed. Daniel's mouth turned up as a light mist covered the orc's body enveloping the black mana. Confused the orc's black eyes looked down at his mist covered body. Thinking Daniel infused him with blue mana, the orc tried to use his powers to have nothing happen. Daniel huffed a tiny laugh as the orc stared down at his body as the blur mist slowly converted the black mana into blue. Daniel twisted his palm facing upward and then raised his hand up. The orc's body collapsed with a smoky thud as every flicker of light lifted from his body and then flowed to Daniel's palm, where the new blue mana was converted to aura and then it settled over Daniel's skin, "I should have tried this at Atlantic city." Daniel said looking at his hand as he felt his aura level go back up as it refilled slightly. Still better than nothing.

    Standing in front of him a vampire eyed him down with its black bat like wings stretched out ready to move. When his wings twitched to move a green and blue patterned dinosaur snatched up the vampire. Violently the dinosaur shook the vampire like a puppy with a chew toy, before throwing the motionless body into a sandstone wall, "Sakra I presume?" Daniel asked and then the dinosaur hissed sinisterly, the vibration went through Daniel's body giving him a chill that made his whole body twitch. After the hissing stopped it was replaced by a giant roar from an abnormally tall tyrannosaurs with red down on its back that wrapped down to its arms. Not even a second after that two spiky, slightly smaller, predators with two horns on the sides of their heads took up ranks. All four dinosaurs roared at something behind him. Curious as to what would get all of this attention from four giant predators, Daniel noticed a giant white dragon snarling at the four growling creatures. Makes sense now.

    Sakra circled to get ready to flank the right side while the tyrannosaur circled to the left. As they walked to their desired positions, the two Carnotaurus' walked past Daniel walking forward trying to distract the giant dragon, "Yeah you two can do that not me." Daniel said as the two predators got even closer.

    "Sakra come here now!" David commanded out of breath.

    "Daema! Alwuquf!" Alonso commanded the other three waving his hands. All three of them looked at him and contemplated, looking amongst each other with primeval looks. They all growled and backed up, keeping their eyes on Fiona. Only when she turned into a human they ran off and joined in the fighting that was occurring nearby with the Tyrannosaur spewing out fluid like fire from its mouth that lit up the other street.

    "Oh my... if it isn't Daniel's sweet and adorable look alike. Looks like you two have finally found each other. Too bad it wasn't sooner." Fiona teased. David's jaw clenched. Both Daniel and Alonso watched waiting to see his response. They knew she was baiting him, unfortunately it was working.

    "What do you mean sooner?" David asked looking at Daniel, who shook his head telling David to ignore her answer.

    "I needed to turn Daniel into a few people that were ready to kill him in Spain. You know revolutions and skirmishes so easy to mistake people for others." She raised her shoulders and shook her head as if she was laughing. Daniel winced seeing the anger in his brother's eyes rise, "Too bad they didn't kill him for me." That was the final straw. Both Daniel and Alonso shouted for Daniel to stop but it was already too late. Green and Blue orbs flew at Fiona in a violent swarm that she danced through unharmed.

    David shouted heaving a beach ball sized pulsing green orb at her that she ducked under before hurling a large boulder sized chunk of ice at David. David broke up the ice chunk with a violent blast of blue orbs that then tried to make their way to Fiona. Before they got close enough a wall of ice the same width and height as her erupted from the ground. As soon as the orbs stopped hitting the wall, it launched forward like she picked it up and threw it herself. Too late to melt the ice, Alonso watched as the wall if ice collided with David's body shattering as he tumbled to the ground. Daniel could have sworn he heard bone cracking, but he wasn't sure if it was ice shattering, David's bones, or both. Sakra nudged David carefully, standing above him defensively as Alonso charged at the ice queen.

    Scaring Daniel half to death, an almost three foot tall white Siberian tiger roared as it ran after Alonso. Realization hit as the tiger turned into a panicked Adrian carrying a longsword and purple triangle shaped shield, like a typical amethyst gem. Not expecting to be charged at, Fiona looked around her as a fiery vortex began to form on the ground. It started to rise, but with a puff of icy cold wind that jutted from her body, the fire was snuffed out before it could mature. Seeing an opportunity, Alonso sent a wave of water at her. She let out a laugh before freezing it to rebound it back to him. With a ruby red stained sword, Alonso sliced through the ice.

    Close enough he poked at her stomach with the great sword. He missed as she moved out of the way and shoved the blade into the pavement with two crystal like steel war axes, one in each hand. With the sword stuck in the ground, she flipped over the blade kicking him in the face sending him to the ground. About to strike at Alonso with her axes, Adrian teleported in the way and the two axes bounced off the shield with a loud and deep ding. Recovering from the feeling of her hands vibrating and aching from the collision.

    Adrian's shield exploded into a bright purple light that blinded Fiona for a moment. With the chance, he dove towards the ground turning into a powdery black shadow. The shadow hissed like a cloud of black sand as it snaked towards Fiona. Seeing the inevitable attack she sprayed white mist at the ground aimed at the shadow only to miss. She only stopped when she heard the sound of water rush towards her. She froze it and catapulted the frozen mass at Adrian, who was still coming out of his shadowy form. At the very last moment he formed his shield, but the force made the shield bounce back and hit him in the head. A small amount of blood dripped from the cut of his forehead as he fell to the ground seemingly confused. Fiona sent white tendrils of white light and wind at the poor man. Alonso turned into his interesting leopard and gold eagle griffin form and swooped in front of Adrian. When he touched the ground, he turned into his human form and drew invisible circle into the air that sent waves of flames at the icy wind.

    In the middle of the two a steamy cloud of hot pink light radiated random waves of hot and cold air as pink liquid pooled below the mass of where the two attacks met. Struggling to pump anymore red aura into the attack the mass of light changed from hot pink to a light pastel pink as Fiona started to overpower him. Desperately, Adrian slowly started to pump blue aura into the mix changing the color from pink to purple. Getting ready to intervene, Daniel started to whip up a blast of water when the ground started to shake. Both Fiona and Adrian kept going, but Daniel could tell that Fiona lightened up on how much aura she pumped into the attack as the cloud stopped inching towards Adrian.

    The ground pulsed up again as if something large was walking towards them. Daniel looked around him and saw nothing large enough to cause that much. Another wave hit, but this time the damaged buildings around them shook as loose pieces of sandstone fell to the ground. Looking behind him, Daniel watched as the dome around the clinic started to crack. With every new scratch and indent the ground shook before the shaking grew consistent similar to an earthquake. Unable to stand anymore, the fight was well over as they crouched down to keep their balance as the cracks began to glow with pulses of green and white. Drawn to the light a thunder drake circle the dome and spat a streak of lightning at it.

    Once the lighting touched the dome, the protective barrier exploded into a million pieces that rained down along with a bright green light followed by white. Not needing to see the drake retreat, Daniel could tell by the shrieks that the light was seen throughout the whole town. When the light finally faded, Daniel opened his sensitive eyes to see Isabel floating in midair using her long white swan like wings to keep herself airborne. Around her pieces of the dome circled around her as one of her eyes glowed the same colors as her aura and the entire street stank of a nauseating amount of spearmint. Daniel's eyes watered as the scent grew smoky as if someone was burning a whole field of it.

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