Chapter 2

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It's two o'clock in the morning, and Riley and I have been talking for hours before he crashed, snoring heavily next to me. I admit that a lot of the things I said are not entirely true, but I haven't felt this stress-free in a long time. My mind wouldn't cease the wonderment of the same thought- What if this breathtaking man was engrossed in the fraud-version of myself? After telling him that I go to college in Pennsylvania, I convinced him that I major in journalism and live in an apartment with my three best friends, Sky being one of them, so it isn't totally false. I also played the part of a student teacher, saying I shadow a high school writing teacher every week. For a little, as much as I hate to accept, I savored playing pretend and escaping from my reality. "Attention all passengers. We will be arriving In New York City in approximately ten hours. Thank you." A professional woman's voice intervened my thoughts, booming through the speakers in each corner of every section. I took off the sweatshirt I was wearing, balled it up and pressed it against the window as support for my head. Hopefully, I will sleep off the rest of this trip. I need to stretch my legs more than roaming to and from the bathroom. 

* * *

"Rise and shine sleepy head." I woke up with Riley inches away from my face, the sun shining brightly through the window (a.k.a, my pillow).

I opened my eyes slowly, rubbing them in the process. "What time is it?" I asked Riley, sitting up in my sit and stretching, I need to get the hell off this train.

"It is nine o'clock. About three hours left of this torture." He said this with an evil laugh. I scoffed prior to taking my book out of my purse.

"What page are you on?" I swear, so much curiosity in one person, not that I'm complaining.

"One-hundred-fifty. I'm almost done." I peeled open the cold pages, removing the bookmark Hunter made me in school at recess. I smiled to myself, as much as that kid irks me, I love him more than anyone.

"Want to read it to me?" He nudged my shoulder a few times, "Come on, come on, I need someone to entertain me." He smirked, kicking his feet and resting them in front of us once again. The couple from before was no longer across from us to disapprove.

I began reading; paused, read, paused, then read again for the remainder of the train ride. The lady sounded over the speakers, announcing that our arrival would be in a couple of minutes. Riley and I stood up and he helped gather my things from the shelf above, gripping his bag after.

Stepping off was a bittersweet moment. I was so ecstatic to rise and extend my legs, yet I as well endured this substantial mass on my chest, a misery I couldn't apprehend. I am wholly aware alert to the actuality that I had met come upon Riley a short time ago. Despite that, I know that he is a superb individual for what I have gotten to be acquainted with. I am assured if I had more time, and possibly obtained the opportunity to experience his presence on additional occasions than merely this one, underneath the surface would be even unthinkable. Next to having a dislike regarding dishonesty, over and above I hate encountering someone, registering how grand they are, only to never talk or see them again.

Riley and I turned towards each other, baggage in hand and the appearance of fatigue on our faces. I'm not sure what came over me, nevertheless a flash of pure fuck it struck my form.

"I hate to impose like this at the last second, but would you mind if I stayed at your place tonight? If not it's totally okay. I'm just super worn ou-." He cut me off mid-sentence with a laugh. Great Autumn, way to go.

"That's not a worry. I get it, you were just on a long-ass ride. Let's go darlin." I trailed behind him to a parking lot full of cars. He advanced towards an ebony Jeep Wrangler, seizing keys from his back pocket, unlocking the vehicle.

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