Chapter 13

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*Riley's P.O.V*

I stress cleaned the entire studio while Autumn was at work. I just received word that my mothers funeral would be on Sunday. That's in two fucking days, so I'm going to have to fly down there tomorrow. If all goes well, Autumn will accept my offer to come with.

Just at the thought of her, the front door barged open, Autumn tumbling in.

"Hey babe. How was work?" I set the broom down in the corner.

"It was okay. I tried having a serious conversation with Avery and she flipped out." She removed her jacket, hanging her purse and coat on the rack.

"So, my mother's funeral is in two days. And I have to book my flight tomorrow. I was wondering if you would go with me?"

"Of course I will go with you. Are you crazy?" She laughed, making herself comfy at the kitchen table.

The next hour was filled with ordering our tickets and packing. Luckily, I worked for six years to save up money for college and I had enough to purchase Autumn's ticket. The amount of money I had in my savings account along with food stamps helped me scrape by.

"Okay, all is good. I called off for three days and my manager said he understands." Autumn walked back into the living room, throwing her phone onto the bed.

"Good. Well we should get to bed soon. Our flight is at one and it's already three-thirty in the fucking morning."

"You're probably right."

She tore her dirty work clothes from her body, crawling into the bed naked. That's a first. The hunger inside of me heightened, every part of me needing every part of her. The arch of her back, the curves of her hips, and the dimples on her back were enough to turn me on. I love the fuck out of her; more than anyone else for miles. 

She crawled on her hands and knees, an innocent stare to her eyes. Her smooth body came onto mine, in between my legs becoming hard as a rock. Her hands wrapped around my wrists, roughly pushing down my arms. Her hips moved back and fourth, a pleasurable amount of friction arising. Moaning pervaded the heated air, provoking a nonstop amount of groans to leave my throat. 

"I love you. I love you so damn much." I mustered this between the movement of our sync lips. 

I carefully flipped us over so she lay on her back, planting kisses on her chest and stomach. Her fingers laced themselves in my hair, tugging gently. Fuck, do I want to taste her. 

I continued the gentle assault on the surface of her goose bump-covered skin, moving lower to her region. I grazed my tongue against her clit, the perfect taste increasing the pulse of my hard-on. Placing my hands on her thighs, her figure squirmed. Whimpers and moaning engulfed the room; screaming my name as she cummed. 

"I want you, now." Desire sank into my pupils as I stared into hers. 

"Take me." 

* * * 

"Baby, it's eleven-forty-five. We forgot to set an alarm." I shook Autumn gently to awake her. 

How the fuck could I be so idiotic? This is my mothers funeral; If we miss this flight I can't book one in time for tomorrow. 

"Fuck. We're so stupid." Autumn pushed me to the side, running from the bed unclothed. At least we're on the same page. 

We rushed around the apartment like fucking chickens with our heads cut off, even bumping into one another a few times. After a near mental break down, I was shutting the door and locking it behind me. 

Autumn was a step ahead of me, whistling for a taxi on the curb. Thankfully, a yellow cab pulled up in minutes; Not taking as long as usual. I opened the door for Autumn prior to hopping in myself, luggage shoved between us. 

"Can you go to the LaGuardia Airport please? Thank you." I told the man of our where abouts, looking out the window to calm my nerves. 

I fucking hate planes- not the biggest fan of flying a million fucking feet in the sky. 

Twenty minutes of this dude stomping on the breaks every two feet and blowing his horn, I payed him and we were on our way. And by 'on our way' , I mean sprinting through the airport. Security is a bitch and takes longer than it should. Glancing down at my watch, the time read twelve-fifty. 

I suppose luck was on my behalf today, security was easy-breezy; Which isn't typical. 

The thump in my chest was hard and fast while boarding the plane. Take-off has got to be the worst of all. Turbulence made my fear of a crash the only thing on my fucking mind. 

Once we were seated, I grabbed Autumn's hand- clenching onto it like a two year old. 

"You okay hun?" She laughed, rubbing circles into the top of my hand. 

"Yes, just nervous." She gave my hand a light squeeze, letting me know everything would be okay. 

The plane ride will be fine- everything else around me, not so much. I
 have no clue how I will handle my mother's funeral. I am petrified of being vulnerable in front of people; Family or not. 

* * *

Six hours later, we landed in Sacramento. I booked a hotel for two nights before I even mentioned the trip to Autumn. This place better serve gold on a silver platter for being one-hundred-fifty-five dollars a night. 

Stepping out of the airport, the sun beat down on my face. The sight of palmy leaves and a busy town caused a parade of memories with my mother. 

I fucking miss her. To look back on our last interaction as not the best, will haunt me until my dying breath. 

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