Chapter 5

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Not even a scream could grab the attention of the five others in the living room. The pressure covering my mouth was as strong as a bolder, only it was the hand of Jack. My head began to spin with Riley as part of the tornado- I could only wish he would discover Jack and I's absence.

"You better keep quiet." The fear of him doing what I thought he would turned to reality.

His fingers took hold of the button that held my pants together, ripping them apart. His head moved in between my legs as he littered rough kisses on my thighs.

"Please, please stop." I begged, my request was ignored.

My eyelids became heavy with every passing minute- my legs grew weaker. A strength came over my drunken state and I began to raise my knee, forcing it into his nose with as much power as I could muster.

"What the fuck?!" Jack buckled down in agony, holding his hands over the bloody nose I caused.

Quickly, I turned the rustic-golden doorknob, practically throwing myself from the restricted space.

Without much thought, I darted to the living room. I was embarrassingly aware of the mascara running down my face and the jeans that sagged just below my hips.

The moment Riley saw me, he jolted out of his seat and sped towards my direction. "What the hell happened?" He words were laced with concern. The shame crept into the center of my chest, my heart felt heavy.

"Nothing I-I got distracted and tried going into the bathtub. Jack startled me when he accidentally walked in. I fell and he tried to help me which only caused my head to come into contact with his nose." I summoned up a laugh.

"Oh, okay love. I thought something worse had happened. Are you okay though? Is Jack okay?"

A hint of hurt along with anger is what I endured as Riley spoke- disappointed to the fact that he abandoned to notice, and mad that I allowed Jack to get away with this.

I presume these affections are my liability. I made the decision to inform Riley of the fictional story to keep peace between him and his friends. I sure as hell didn't want to get in the way.

"Jack's cleaning his face up. And I'm perfectly fine." I smiled and laced my fingers between his as we made our way to the sofa.

Kevin arms and head appeared limp where his body sit on the recliner. The rest of the crew had their knees crossed, each making contact with the one next door as they were still in a circle.

"Okay guys, I think it's about that time." Groans arose and reverberated all through the room.

Riley took hold of Kevin's hand, ungluing his skeleton from the chair. I let them know how nice it was to meet them as I held the front door open, figure staggering after figure. It was strenuous for the drunken to move their legs, I'm having a hard time believing they will make it to their place.

"Are you sure they'll be okay walking home?" Riley slept blissfully on the couch, his mouth wide open. I giggled to myself, taking the knitted blanket draped on the armrest- tucking him in as if he were a child.

Taking light foot steps to the kitchen for my bag, a scary thought struck my mind. Where the hell was Jack? The nerves began to dance on my stomach, giving rise of vomit to the back of my throat. How could one be so idiotic- the mental image of my mascara-stained face was getting punched at this very moment.

Sliding my striped socks against the squeaky floorboards, the sweat on the surface of every crease started to emerge. My pupils spun in circles, looking in corners and entryways that never made the uneasiness in my gut so present. A man-which was most definitely Jack-laid on the tile of the bathroom. His knees were pulled into his chest, his neck bent in a form that appeared highly uncomfortable. The guilt of not helping him crept over me- I kicked that weight across the bathroom, the drain sucking it into oblivion.

After changing into a comfier set of clothing, the bed called my name-screaming for me to get into its covers. The realization of an old friend begging for my attention prevented me from doing so- my journal. Relaxation engulfed my body, making me feel safe and calm.

The window sill became my seat for an hour. Overlooking the city caused a warm feeling in the center of my chest. The buildings falling from tall to tallest for miles. Lights that could keep the world light at the darkest of times. People walking the streets at almost every hour, depending on the age group. It felt like home.

Dragging the pencil against the paper with golden edges felt relieving. Bursting out everything from the past three days like a tsunami hitting a small town- the best and the worst. After almost an hour of personal therapy, the hulk pushing down my lids suggested it was bedtime. Taking one last look at Riley, I covered myself with the heavy duvet.

Jack was less than twenty feet away. Knowing the man I was growing so fond of was only five feet away, fabricating the secure tenderness I endured.

* * *

The sun developed a pound in my head and an irritation to my eyes. The coffee I had made for Riley and I will hopefully take the edge off of this massive hangover. Fathoming Jacks absence induced a ripple of relief.

Entering the living room, Riley was awake; for the most part. Both inked hands covered his lids- if I could guess, he wasn't feeling the greatest either.

"I made you some coffee." Making myself comfy on the edge of the mattress, his palm met mine halfway for the hot mug.

"Thank you." His head titled back, four loud gulps following his action.

"Isn't coffee a sipping drink?" Won't he get sick?

Sure love. However, for myself it's a chugging drink. Suppose I'm not like the rest." He laughed previous to plunging the remainder of the brown drink down his throat.

"Last night is a blur." He planted a cigarette, lighting the end of it.

For once, no answer was given in return. The wish of last night being a blur for myself was apparent. If only the memory of Jack assaulting me had not been so fresh and clear, the evening would have been amusing.

"I think I'm going to freshen up, I feel gross. I'm surprised I didn't throw up on myself last night." An attempted small smile lay on my features.

Facing my back to Riley while I came to my feet, a gentle graze to my wrist stopped me in my tracks.

"Are you okay?" The expression revealed a heightened sadness. A tone to his voice I had never heard.

It pained me to resume the lie I had been telling. Pondering the notion of his friends possibly falling apart in view of a drunken mistake, makes me ill.

"I think I'm just out of it from last night. Maybe I'll feel better after a shower." I give his hand a reassuring squeeze.

I sucked in the urge to vent about what happened- to have a shoulder to lean on. Entering the bathroom in little steps is what I needed to stay collected. With a movement came a thought. No longer could I gain control of the hurricane in my head.

Lifting my fingers to my shoulder, I removed my white tank top. Dropping my plaid shorts to my ankles, I kicked them to the side.

Hot droplets hit my bare skin; I could feel my muscles becoming less tense by the minute.

About twenty minutes later, my elephant pants and sweatshirt covered my shivering body. The idea of relaxing with Riley for the remainder of the day made me feel stress-free.

A lump rose in my throat and my heart sank as I entered the living room. Riley and Jack sat around the table, exchanging conversation and laughs.

"Nice pants." Jack said this with a smirk, a wink following. The thought of him not remembering last night evaporated.

"Want to hang out for a bit love?" Riley held his arm out as a gesture for me to sit next to him.

I dropped my dirty clothes and wet towel, plastering a fake smile on my beat-red face. 

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