Chapter 31

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Three days prior

*Lee's P.O.V*

I hung up the phone with one of my men, Snake. One of the best on the outside; Released from jail for stalking. My instincts felt he was my best bet.

I padded to my prison cell, smiling to the other inmates on the way. I'm the king of this prison. If anyone tries telling me others; Well, they know not to.

I've been putting together a master plan- One that I'm hoping will ruin Riley's life, the way his mother stomped on mine. It sucks. The little asshole had to go and get addicted to heroin, stopping his search for his beloved Autumn.

Knowing the sucker for almost his entire existence, it was safe to assume he would bounce back into reality. To my benefit, snake has been keeping a good eye on him.

Poor Bella dies and he ends up in rehab. The second I found out his release date, which is tomorrow, my plan was in motion. I contacted snake immediately- Pinch the eagle.

*Snakes P.O.V.*

I know what I have to do.

Strutting down the pavement, doing a fantastic job at staying invisible as I made my way to Jacks apartment- a.k.a , the eagle.

Being a mastermind at stalking and making the human soul miserable, I was aware that Jack knew exactly where Autumn was. Which at this very moment is what I needed.

Stomping up the old flight of stairs, I made my way to apartment 2B. Not thinking twice, the wood door busted open with the help of my foot.

"What the fuck man!?" A some-what petit man, I'm assuming is Jack, yelled; Jumping from his naked girlfriend that lay on the couch.

I said nothing, only grabbed him by the shoulder and rammed him into the closest walls.

"I see. All talk but no bite." I laughed, seeing the terror in his pupils.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!?" He proceeded, trying to move from my right grip.

"You're not going anywhere. Not until you hear what I have to say." I said calmly, not phased by the screaming girl.

"What?" He said, his voice lowering.

"You need to lure Riley to where Autumn stays." I said.

"I don't know where she is." He muttered, only I knew he was lying.

"You're lying." I stated, tightening my grip slightly.
"We can do this the easy way or the hard way." I continued, smirking.

"Whatever." He said in defeat.

"Good.." I paused, looking at the shaken women. "You can calm down love." I stated, not wanting her to draw attention to the apartment.

"You are going to lure Riley to the cabin you have Autumn staying at. If you don't, I will kill your loved ones.." I paused, turning my attention to the girl. "Starting with your girlfriend." I finished, laughing.

"I swear." He muttered, his face contorting to an angry stare.

"You swear nothing, you'll be dead too." I smiled, looking him dead in the eyes.

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