Chapter 34

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Present time
*Rileys P.O.V.*

"Fuck!" I screamed to myself, failing at the thousandth attempt of breaking from these stupid ropes.

"Calm down Riley. The faster I get out of here, the more of a chance I have of finding Autumn." I murmured to myself, followed by a deep breathing routine I learned in rehab.

It's called the four-seven-eight method. Breathe in for four seconds, hold for seven, and release for eight. It worked in most situations. This one, not so much.

Balling my fists so tight my hands turned white, I inhaled deeply. As the air left my lungs, I pulled up as hard as I could. The armrests made of wood split into two, my wrists slipping out of the rope with ease.

"Finally." I huffed, bending down to untie my ankles. For an apparent criminal mastermind, this guy isn't amazing at tying.

Knowing very well she wasn't in the house, I started looking outside. Nothing surrounded the place but woods for miles and miles.

"This is un-fucking-believable." I groaned, starting at the back of the house.

I shined my flashlight from my phone, making the grass visible. Stumbling over tree branches and rocks, I figured I was looking in all the wrong places.

If I were insane, where would I hide a girl? Making laps around the house, I attempted to think outside of the box.

Under the house? How the fuck didn't I think about that earlier?

Getting on my hands and knees below the porch, I began crawling. There was a ton of open space, for what I could see Autumn was no where in sight. Continuing my short search, I received nothing but a mouthful of cobwebs.

I became doubtful, losing hope in myself. I promise, if she dies I am going down with her. I wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing her life is literally in my fucking hands.

After a moment of morbid thoughts, determination rung. She deserves to be happy and safe. Being the man that loves her, it's my duty to protect her from harm. I don't care what I have to do to find her, but I damn sure will.

Walking down a rocky hill, I made my way to the river. Not that there was much to actually search down there, but I might as well give it a try. Who knows with this maniac. She could be floating on a canoe for all I know.

Tracing the sand for any dig marks or signs of struggle, I found nothing. Only an ass imprint in the sand. Though, I wasn't going to overthink about that.

"This is fucking ridiculous." I groaned to myself, kicking the sand with the tip of my shoe.

It was now five in the afternoon. By the time I gained freedom from the ropes, I was out on my search by about two. I can not believe after nearly three hours I've got nothing; Not even a clue.

Maybe I should walk up the dirt road, being how strangely long it was. Stomping up the hill out of frustration and anger, I began the journey.

*Autumns P.O.V.*

A small amount of light shun through what looked like the cracks of wood. It wasn't much, but it beat the darkness.

Licking my lips, I formed saliva in my mouth to get rid of the dryness in the back of my throat. I have no clue how I did it, but some how I managed to fall asleep earlier.

Completing a series of mental math calculations, I can confidently guess I've been- Well I don't know where- for roughly twelve hours.

Based on my love for animal planet as a child, I knew I could go several days without food. Water on the other hand was a different story.

It's sad having to prepare to die. If Riley truly doesn't find me in time, I will pass alone. My biggest fear was now coming to life; Mocking me in the back of my head.

Being tied up and lonely for hours, was starting to get to me. I thought about anything and everything.

The moment I met Riley and encountered in an epic romance with him. The kind of fairytale for the books- Or so I thought. The idiotic decision of leaving him after his mother passed. I was supposed to be there for him, but I was quickly gone. If it weren't for me, we wouldn't be in this mess.

Closing my lids once again, I went to my happy place.

Riley and I laying on the beach, the sun beating down on my bare skin.

* * *

*Riley's P.O.V.*

I turned on my phone, '1:27' displayed across the screen. That's right- It's passed one in the morning and still not a thing. I've probably walked up and down this road five times, moving in and out of the woods every twenty feet or so.

Growing irritated with myself, I punched the closest tree for the third time tonight. Probably not the most genius idea for my already numb knuckles.

"Autumn!" I screamed into the atmosphere, hoping for an answer.

And still, zero.

"Fuck!" I shouted once more, allowing the tears to rush down my cheeks.

I'm not a cryer, and I never have been. I don't like being vulnerable in front of people, not even myself. Right now I'm angry, tired, and weak. Feeling completely powerless was a downfall for my confidence; And that was the thing I needed the most right now.

The drive to find my girl. The faith to keep going.

Trudging back to the house, I determined it would be a good idea to check there again. Perhaps this hooligan is playing mind tricks on me.

Strolling past the open door, I started with the living room. Going so in depth I checked the couch cushions and underneath the glass coffee table. Yes, glass. Afterwards I looked in the kitchen. Cabinet, pantry, and fridge. At this point, I was really outside of the box. Checking the bathroom didn't take long, being the only spot to look was the shower. Lastly, the bedroom. As I predicted, no Autumn.

Sitting down on her bed and curling up in a ball, I cried. Falling apart wasn't in Autumns best interest, but I'm human. I can only take so much.

The salty water works came to a calm, my eye lids growing heavy. Pulling the pillow that smelt like her into my chest, I figured I'd rest my eyes for a few minutes.

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