Chapter 8

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Today is the day I will talk to Riley about what has been ringing in my head for the past few days; school. I understand his absence to a certain extent, but I have an itchy feeling he's beginning to sugar coat.

"Hey, so when do you plan on actually making a presence at your classes?" I laughed, sitting down next to Riley at the kitchen table.

"Wellllllll.." He spun out of his chair in a dramatic way, stomping his feet like a two year old to the couch.

"Can you be honest with be for a second?" I turned my body so I was facing him, my fingers laced around the warm coffee mug.

"Of course." He plopped on the couch, propping his feet up on the table.

"Is it because of me?" I have been apprehensive about asking this for days being I was scared of the answer.

"What? Me not showing up to class?" He was off the couch, making his way towards me.

"Yes." My eyes shifted to the floor.

"No hun, it's not your fault. I haven't been showing up to class for the past 6 years. I never did in middle school, high school, and now. It's just not for me a guess." The tips of his fingers nudged their way under my chin, lifting my head up. "I promise." He said this with a light kiss that followed.

"Would it make you feel any better if I went to class today? I already missed my first one but I can make it to my second and third. But I'd have to be there in thirty minutes or so." He shifted from his heels to toes.

"A lot better." As much as I dread the thought of being alone in this empty studio, my happiness for Riley making an attempt outshines the negative.
I haven't really had more than two hours to myself since I came out here. The search for a job and to check my muted text messages have been on my mental to-do list.

*Riley's P.O.V.*
Walking the halls of this massive fucking building made me feel like I'd never stepped foot in this place. I mentally punched myself a few times for getting severely lost. I made it to my second class - expression- and now making my way to the third. Out of the three classes I have to worry about, expression is the one I tolerate the most. All we do for two hours is slap some paint on a canvas and call it a day.

My third class was a little more of a snooze, art history. Not only does the teacher treat us like a set of kindergartens, but he picks our seats at the beginning of every week.

Walking into the classroom filled with rows that went on forever, I got the immediate feeling I was fucking late; again. Everyone was already seated, paper and pen out, laptops open.

"Mr. Riley, what a lovely surprise." Mr. Jayden was quite the master at public humiliation.

"Hmmmmm." His eyes that had bags as an accessory wondered the classroom for longer than necessary.

"Why don't you have a seat next to Mrs. Stonebridge." He clapped his wrinkled hands as if something were fucking excited.

I sighed, dragging my tired-self to the back of the classroom, next to the preppiest girl in most of the student population. Get one glance at her car and you'd know her daddy bought it.

"Hey, Riley right?" Not even two minutes of being in the presence of little miss perfect before she starts talking.

I don't know what it is, but when someone starts talking to me while the teacher is, something strikes the good-old nerves.

"Yup." I reply to show I'm somewhat of a kind person. I don't want to come off as a one-hundred percent asshole; I'm shooting for more of ninety-eight.

"Well, Riley, me and my girlies are having a party at my place tonight. You should stop by." She came a little too close for comfort, smacking on her gum directly next to my ear. Usually I wouldn't think twice about going out to this stupid thing, but it would be nice for Autumn to get out and meet more people outside of my friend group.

"Fuck it, I'll be over." I picked up my pen, scribbling my number on a piece of paper. "Text me the address." She giggled in response.

I really hope I won't regret this later.

* * *

"Hey babe. I have exciting news for you." I didn't attempt to hide the sarcasm in my voice. This was nowhere in the roam of exciting.

"What is it?" Autumn replied. She sat on the couch looking fucking beautiful as always.

"Well, little-miss-popular invited me to her party tonight. Usually I would have laughed in her face, but I thought maybe you would like to get out." I sat down next to her, draping my arm around her shoulder.

"I actually got out today, I applied to a few jobs." Her response hinted she was trying to get out of going to this party. As much as I would love to stay home, I want her to meet new people.

"You're going out babe. You don't need to worry, I will be by your side." I pulled her off the couch. "Get ready sweet thang."

* * *

It took me merely five minutes to throw on my signature black jeans and flannel. Nine o'clock was sneaking up and Autumn has been in the bathroom for roughly two hours. I wish she could see how damn perfect she was, never will my mind comprehend why she spends so much time getting ready.

The sound of heels walking against the squeaky floor raised my pupils. A black, high-low dress followed behind her angelic figure. Instinctively, I wiped my mouth to make sure I wasn't drooling.

"Holy.fuck." My words nearly got caught in my throat. She had light make-up on, her wavy hair pulled back in a tight pony tail.

"You good?" She laughed to herself, a hint of blush present on her cheekbones.

"Fuck yeah I'm amazing. I'll have the most gorgeous girl at the party by my side." I laced her fingers in mine, smiling down at her.

How the hell did I get so lucky?

The closer we got to Ashely's the more I regretted deciding to do this. The only thing keeping my sane at the moment was Autumn.

"Breathe. Everything will be fine I promise." She placed her painted nails on my knee, squeezing gently. Her words and actions showed how selfless she was. Deep down I knew she was probably just as fucking anxious as I was.

My Jeep rolled past the tall, brown gates; leading to a White House that might as well be considered a building. If an elevator failed to be installed in this place, I'll be surprised.

I pulled into what looked to be a parking spot, prior to making sure I had my cigs. Without a doubt will this pack be empty by the end of the night.

Autumn grabbed my hand while walking towards the marble set of stairs. Ashley stood outside in a pink dress with lipstick to match- easily resembling barbies sister.

"Hey Ri Ri." She said this in a friendly tone, placing a wet kiss on my cheek. Autumns grip tightened by one-hundred.

"Hey. This is my girlfriend, Autumn." Just as the words slipped from my mouth, I recognized the label of girlfriend hadn't come up yet.

"Well enjoy the party Avery." Her purposely rude comment was noticed.

"It's Autumn." Autumn replied with a side of confidence I haven't seen until now, shoving past her.

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