Chapter 9

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If it weren't for the endless supply of free alcohol, I would have been long gone hours ago. Riley has introduced me to the majority of people in his art history class. Ashley breaks the top five that I'm aware I'm not going to get along with.

"You want another drink babe?" Riley whispers this into my ear. I was sitting comfortably on a couch while he sat above me on the arm rest.

"Yes please." The mature side of me was chanting that I shouldn't. On the other hand, once you're drunk, you're drunk. You might as well keep going; right?

"Okay love, I'll be right back." He swiftly kissed the top of my head, grabbing the red solo cup from my hands.

*Riley's P.O.V.*
My muscles felt relaxed, tension no longer followed me like a shadow.

I poured ginger ale and clear vodka into the cup, throwing in a couple of cherries.

"Hey, where are you headed handsome." A slurred, drunken voice stopped me in my tracks.

Turning around, annoyance steamed like a kettle on the stove.

"What do you want." Lightly, I shook her manicured nails from my arm.

"What do you think." Her eyes landed on my chest. The way she tripped standing still was enough to convince me of her highly drunken state.

I leaned in closer to her, pointing my finger in Autumns direction.

"See that fucking stunning girl over there?" I paused, making sure I had her attention. "She looks small, but I promise you, she will kick some ass when she needs to." I let this comment go with a chuckle.

Ashley scoffed, turning on her heels, a sad attempt to stomp away.

* * *

*Autumn's P.O.V.*

Vomit vacated my stomach for the seventh time on the walk home. We were drunk enough to fail walking straight but succeeded in making the decision of walking. The option to take a cab home floated for a good two minutes; only for Riley to clarify our wallets were sitting on the kitchen table twelve blocks away.

Here we were, staggering on the pavement- pulling over every ten feet for Riley to hold back my hair.

"I'm sorry, again." I apologized out of mortification, dragging my sleeve across my lips.

"Stop saying you're sorry, there's no need." He wrapped one hand around my shoulder, the other hugging my waist, helping me regain my balance.

Thirty minutes and ten numb fingers later, the brick building came into view.

"Thank fuck. I'm pretty sure I lost a fucking foot." Riley made this comment followed with a few stomps to the ground of his right foot.

The warmth circulating my ears as we entered the apartment had to be close to the best feeling in the world. I kicked off my heels, throwing my coat on the floor.

"Did you have fun tonight baby?" Riley's voice followed close behind me, his hands falling on my hipbones; he pulled me into him from behind, my knees growing frail.

It was hard to muster an answer with the pulse that increased between my legs, tension pressing against my back.

"I want all of you." He softly spoke into my ear, tracking kisses on my neck.

The diffidence that lived in my soul was now overpowered by confidence. Turning around, my palms found themselves wrapped around his neck. I pulled him, pressing his lips against mine; the craving being met. We moved in sync to the bed- Riley falling back, my body on top of his.

"Are you sure you're ready?" He cupped my face, his pupils shrinking while staring into mine.

"Yes, I promise." I wanted him to have me, as I wanted him even stronger.

Clothes being tossed in the air and thrown to the side are what filled my vision; heavy breathing, moaning, and groaning meeting my hearing. Sweat and chills encountering the tips of my fingers.

"I love you." For the first time in my life, I had spoken without overthinking.

"I love you." A smile followed his response, maintaining delicate thrusts into me; my toes curling and nails digging into his back.

* * *

My fingers ran over the black mop of hair, light snoring filled the air. I slowly picked up the blanket, crawling out of bed. My journal was calling for me, a desperation for attention. Grabbing my pen and notebook from my purse, I got cozy where I typically write- the window bench.

I paid close attention to detail, dragging the pen to form the perfect words to describe an unforgettable experience. Call me overdramatic, assume I'm a virgin- but the only time I had sex was in the tenth grade. Two of the reasons being it was with the captain of the football team and I was in a rush to get it over with.

After writing my entry, signing off with my usual 'A' signature, I gazed at the stars showering above the city. A voice in the living room generated my limp legs to move.

"No, I haven't fucking told her yet. I'll get there when I get there." Riley spoke to an unknown person over the phone, pacing back and fourth in the living room.

"Okay, yeah. I love you too." He ended the phone call, running his hands through the mess on his head.

I am unsure if I made the wrong choice of acting like I hadn't overheard a thing rather than talking to him about it.

I suppose the universe will speak to me, gift me with a life lesson and possibly a lecture, but not tonight.

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