Chapter 27

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*Riley's P.O.V.*

I fell back as my apartment door flung open, the blonde now straddling my body. She moved her hips- Her sensitive spot rubbing against my hard-on. I hated myself for the groan that escaped my throat, my hand finding the floor beside; Wanting to touch anything but her. Feeling a soft fabric in my palm, my eyes diverted to Autumn's sweatshirt that lay on the wood.

"Fuck. This is a mistake." I sat up, using my hands to support myself. Why the fuck didn't I stop this mess earlier?

"What?" She whispered, hurt and embarrassment laced in her words.

"This was a fucking mistake." I repeated, hoping the chick would get the hit to remove herself from my torso.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" She spat, standing up and running her hands over her wrinkled top in an attempt to smooth it.

"No, I'm not. I am in love with someone. A very special someone that happens to be fucking missing." I screamed, inching closer to the poor girl with every word that left my mouth.

"I'm sorry. Although, that doesn't give you the right to treat me like this is my fault." She said. I knew she was right.

"Just get out. Please." I said, running my hand through my sweaty hair.

"No problem." She smirked, making sure to slam the door behind her.

Honestly, I don't blame her. This is my stupid, fucking drunken fault.

Pulling off my jeans and tossing my t-shirt across the room, I slumped into bed. As I stared into the darkness, the moon cast shadows into my room. I felt nothing but loneliness in the pit of my stomach- Along with a strong ache in my chest. These words were close to nothing for the emptiness I endured.

I shut my eyes, fully committed to dodge my schedule for tomorrow. I refuse to go to fucking classes or face any of my responsibilities until I find my girl. And that's a damn promise.

* * *

An obnoxious ringing coming from my phone woke me from my peaceful slumber- The only place and time my mind wasn't running circles around Autumn.

"Hello." I mumbled, rubbing my eyes as I sat up.

"I got your letter." A deep, scratchy voice spoke on the other line.

"Lee." I confirmed, knowing exactly who it was.

"Ding, ding, ding. We have a winner." He spoke, an ugly laugh following.

"Spare me with the fucking jokes. I want to know what you did with my girlfriend." I grew angry, desperate for answers.

"You, a girlfriend? Now how the hell did you manage that?" He said.

"My girlfriend, Autumn, went missing. I don't know where the hell she is. But I swear to fuck sake if your screwing with me or did something to her, I will kill you." I breathed, now pacing in the living room.

"I'm locked up, so how the hell would you expect me to hurt your precious girl. I lost tabs on you years ago." He said. A huge part of me felt he was lying.

"I know you have people on the outside. And if you know anything, I expect you to tell me. So help me god." I raised my voice at the thought of Autumn being in pain.

"I didn't do shit. And even if I did, what makes you think I would tell you?" Before I could get another word out, he hung up. An annoying beep on the other line.

"Fuck." I screamed, this time throwing my phone on the bed.

I began rummaging through Autumn's things, praying for a clue or sign- Fucking anything at this point would be nice.

Finding nothing but clothes, make-up, and a hairbrush, I sighed in defeat. Leaning against the wall, a realization occurred to me. Her journal was missing; That gave me hope that she was okay. If someone did try to take her or cause harm, I doubt she would have time to get it. She must have left on her own, but why? That question will haunt me until I find the answer.

I slipped on the clothes I wore yesterday, not caring about the stench that hugged the material. I interrogated practically everyone that is linked to Autumn, getting nothing in return. Sky even reached out, assuring me she would let me know of any new information on Autumn's whereabouts.

Maybe if I walk around the city for the day, I could possibly run into her. Although the chances of that are low, there is no harm in trying. Being fully aware I wouldn't cover the entire city in one day, I would at least stroll the parts Autumn was aware of.

I stuffed my black Jansport with two packs of cigarettes and a couple of water bottles. Here goes fucking nothing.

* * *

I trudged past Autumn's job for the fifth time, the sky dark. My heart grew speed as I noticed locks of ginger hair blow in the wind, moving around a corner. I picked up my pace to a run, reaching her in seconds.

"Autumn." I said, placing my hand on her shoulder.

As I predicted, the girl who turned around wasn't her. The pain in my chest stinging more than it did hours ago.

"No, I'm sorry." The women before me said with confusion, continuing her stroll down the dark block.

My fist met the brick building, hitting it until my knuckles were numb and bloody. I don't care about much in this depressing world, but I do care and love Autumn more than fucking life itself.

"Riley?" A male voice said.

"What?" I hissed, Jacks face coming into view.

"What happened?" He said, gesturing towards my hand.

"What the fuck do you think?" I said, shoving past him.

The walk home was painful. The cold breeze against my hand caused it to sting more than it was on its own.

I dreaded the thought of going back to that empty apartment. Autumn made it feel like home, my safe-haven.

Budging the door open with my operating hand, the familiar darkness came to my sight. Making my way to the kitchen, I grabbed vodka from the liquor cabinet. This might sound morbid, but I enjoyed the burning sensation as I poured the clear liquid onto my busted fist. It momentarily distracted me from the heart-ache- Although, not for long enough.

I needed something to numb the constant pain for longer.

After wrapping my hand up, I scrolled through my contacts until landing on Chad's number. I hesitated to press the green button, eventually calling him.

"Hello." Chad spoke on the other end, seeming less chipper than usual.

"Hey, it's Riley. Do you happen to have Bella's number?" I asked, needing the answer to be in my favor.

"Yeah. What for?" He asked, sounding concerned.

"Just more interrogations on Autumns behalf." I said, mustering a fake laugh.

"I'll text it to you." He responded quickly, ending the phone call.

I sat on the edge of the bed, playing with my phone as I waited for her digits. I sent Chad a smiling face in response to his message, messaging Bella before my thoughts intervened.

I have awoken my worst nightmare. My gut was yelling at me to let my addictive gene sleep, not awaken it; But I couldn't stand this torture any longer.

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