Chapter 35

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Panic swallowed my body, a tunnel of rage. Looking at the time on my phone, it was noon. A couple minutes of intended rest turned into a night of sleep.

"I'm so fucking stupid." I said to myself, screaming into the pillow.

The first twenty-four hours were almost up, and I intend on finding her with plenty of time to spare. It has worried me that I've looked everywhere I could possibly think of; Even in unrealistic spots. What if she isn't near the property?

Getting up from the sheets that held her scent, I decided on triple checking the house. There's a small chance he was moving her around. For instance, I already crawled under the house. Knowing I found nothing, perhaps he moved her there.

Following the exact pattern as last night, I explored the same places. The couch, cabinets, closets; In all the nook and crannies. Once more, zilch. The bastard should have been a little generous and left some hints or clues. How does one find a person alone in such a short amount of time?

Searching outside, investing energy and time into all the same places; Losing hope. The mental clock in my head ticked, reminding me of reality. Twenty-seven hours down, twenty-one to go. For my calendar, that's typically a boat load of time. Coming down to a human life, it seemed like seconds.

Dancing around trees and skipping over stones, I called out for Autumn.

*Autumns P.O.V.*

I'm not sure if it was the lack of water making me delusional, but I heard Riley's voice. It came out in muffles, although I could tell he was in pain.

"Riley!?" I screamed out, attempting to kick my feet against the boards above- Only to fail.

His voice sounded near, yet so far. He had no idea where I was, and neither did I. Such a terrifying conclusion.

"No!" I cried, squirming around.

Desperate for his touch, I imagined him being my savor. Lifting up the wood in no time, light shining down on my pale body. He wore armor that glistened, his floppy mop of hair blowing in the wind. Picking me up from the dirt, he carried me to safety like a princess.

*Rileys P.O.V.*

Throwing my tired body onto the couch, I sighed. The ticking in my head became louder by the hour; A large piece of me turning weak.

I wanted to pinch myself to wake up in my bed. Discovering Autumn beside me, this past year being a sick nightmare. Only I knew that wasn't close to true.

The sun began setting as I looked out the window; The movement of the clouds signifying the shifts of time.

Noticing something unusual on the windowsill, I got up to walk towards it. With closer judgment, a beautiful butterfly perched calmly on the oak. Realizing the color of the creature, I thought maybe it was a sign. My mother's favorite color, yellow.

Rushing outside, the insect didn't fly away. Landing on my finger, she flapped her wings. Flighting around me in circles, I began moving slowly.

For a second, I thought I was going insane as she started flying ahead of me. Only she kept coming back.

Having full trust in this butterfly, I began following it. Stepping over branches and walking through the woods, she stayed a safe distance ahead of me.

An hour passed, the yellowness still afloat before me. Curious as to where we were headed as the sky was dark, that feeling settled.

An immense field of tall grass came into sight. If I could reckon, roughly half a mile ahead. Continuing to follow the insect, I felt insane- But this is my only string of hope. I am quickly running out of time to find her.

Reaching the mass meadow, I froze in my tracks. The butterfly landed on my shoulder, shortly moving to the top of my head.

Forcing my foot to enter the pasture, she was fast with moving in front of me. Hiking up the hill, the insect came to a sudden halt. Nothing but grass and dandy lions filled the area for miles. I became inflamed for an instant, believing this was a waste of the clock. She flapped her wings, moving towards the grass by my feet.

"What?" I questioned as if I would receive an answer.

Should I move it?

Bending down, my hands grazed over the grass; Moving it instantly. My heart thumped at a rapid pace noticing two long blocks of wood. Picking them up with shaky hands, I threw them out of the way.

"Oh my god." I whispered, my eyes wide open from shock.

"Riley?" She coed, her voice sounding scratchy and worn.

"Shh, you don't need to talk. Not now." I confirmed.

Autumn was tied up, her hands and ankles. Her pale body covered in an immense amount of dirt. Tears pricked her eyes as I got the ropes undone, scooping her up in my arms.

I found my girl. As the moment was finally here, it was hard to know it was true; That I wasn't dreaming. I was ready for the far walk ahead. My heartbeat slowed down, though the adrenaline still pumped through my veins.

"Thank you." She whispered, her head resting on my chest.

"I love you so much." I cried, kissing the top of her forehead as I began carefully walking through the wooded area.

* * *

Planting a firm kiss on her head, I kept a close eye on her as she slept. Never will I allow anyone to hurt her again. She is mine, and mine forever.

Standing up, I stood by the window. Admiring the sunrise, a flash of yellow caught my eye. The butterfly- Flying around carefree.

* * *

"Mom?" I turned my attention towards my mother as we sat on the park bench.

"Yes my boy." She smiled down at me, running her soft hands through my hair.

"What happens when you die?" I asked. Mr. smitten, my pet hamster, passed today.

"Well honey, you come back as something else. Same soul, just different body." She answered, looking into my eyes.

"Well do you get to pick?" I questioned.

"Yes, anything you want." She laughed.

"What are you going to be?" I asked further.

She hesitated for a moment, looking around the park. "A butterfly." She answered, bringing her gaze back to me.

"Why?" I said.

"They get to fly wherever they please. That's a pretty good way of life if you ask me." She giggled, playing with a strand of my hair. "But remember, you're loved ones will always be by your side." She said, tapping the point of her finger against my nose.

Sitting on the cold metal, we appreciated the sunset together.

* * *

"Thanks mom." I whispered, smiling towards the yellow creature.

* * *


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