Chapter 17

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Hours have passed of me and Riley getting drunker by the minute. I sat on the ledge by the open window, lighting a cigarette.

"How are you feeling baby?" Riley slurred his words, practically stumbling over to me.

"Okay babe. Not amazing." I gave him a small smile, admiring his chiseled features.

"I know baby, I'm sorry." He placed his forehead against mine, cupping the side of my face.

"I did a bad thing, a really bad one." I cornered my attention to the dirty floor; counting every crumb.

"Honey talk to me about it, please." Riley sat next to me on the ledge, placing his hand on my knee.

"I lied to the police. And I'm scared it's going to bite me in the ass." I took another drag of my cigarette.

"What did you tell them?" He furrowed his brows as he asked this.

"I said I hung out with Avery for a couple of hours and all we did was watch a movie." I sighed, having disgust in myself.

"Hun." Riley sighed, bending his neck towards the ceiling.

"I was scared. I regret what I did but I can't take it back." I said this looking a Riley, his expression mirroring mine.

"If the police decide to question other friends of hers, maybe even the girls you were with that night. There's a chance they will tell the truth babe." He said this, jumping from the ledge and onto the floor.

"Don't you think I already know that?" I snapped, the alcohol getting to me in a negative way.

"I think it would be best to start heading home." Riley ignored my attitude, placing his hand in mine.

"I'm sorry, I'm just freaking out." I said, walking out of the smoking room.

"I know that love. You have to breathe. Try not to worry about it unless it comes your way." He spoke as we walking.

We thanked his friend for allowing us to hang out, before making our way to his jeep. Riley was drunk but the apartment was only a couple blocks down; I had trust that we would make it there safely.

It was about three in the morning as we arrived at the studio. Riley stepped out of the car first, opening the passenger door for me. His kind actions and gentle side of him will never cease to amaze me. Occasionally, he is an asshole. But ninety-five percent of the time he is the nicest man I know.

Entering the warm apartment, the bed called my name. I got undressed, changing into my fuzzy pants and t-shirt- Climbing into bed with Riley.

The second I closed my eyes, Avery and her motionless body were stamped on my lids.

* * *

I was pleased to turn my alarm off and go back to bed; Only I couldn't. I got a very small amount of sleep last night, waking up every hour. All I could think about was Avery- and how I possibly let her down.

I should have been honest with the police; Tell them what Avery was going through. Who knows, maybe her story could have helped someone.

I quietly got out of bed, making my way to the bathroom in desperate need of a shower. I removed my pajamas as I waited for the water to grow hot. I was grateful for the few minutes I had to myself, not getting much of it.

After relaxing my muscles and mind, I threw on my clothes for the day. I pulled out my phone from my purse, reminding myself to text Chad.

"How's it going over there? I hope you're doing okay and hanging in there. Have you and the owner decided when we will be opening? Thank you so much, have a good day."

My digits moved across the screen, composing a reasonable text message. I noticed an awake Riley- Sitting up on the bed, smoke filling the air around him.

"Hey hun. How'd you sleep?" I asked, sitting down on the edge of the mattress.

"Terrible." He answered, rubbing circles into his eye with his other hand.

"Me too." I replied, falling backward.

"What do you want to do today?" I asked after moments of silence, peering over at Riley.

"If you wouldn't mind, I kind of want a day to myself. Probably go to the library or some shit." His words hurt, but I refused to budge. Everyone handles death in a different way. I noticed Riley would rather be alone than surrounded by people, and that's okay.

"Okay. I'll just sit back and relax." I giggled, trying to sooth the tense air.

"I'm gonna take a shower." Riley muttered, removing himself from the bed.

He didn't look at me or say anything else. I watched him drag his tired body to the bathroom, sadness creeping into my soul.

*Riley's P.O.V.*

I physically hit myself in the face as I stood in the shower. Hating myself for taking my anger out on Autumn. The last thing I want to do is push her away, but it's something I have been known for doing. If anyone tries to help me, it only caused me to shove more.

The steaming water rinsed the guilt and depression imprinted in my skin. I questioned going to the bar, knowing it would be a terrible idea, I decided to go. There's only so many things I could do to ease the pain, and I didn't want to drag Autumn down with me.

I got dressed, avoiding Autumn at all costs. I hated lying to her; The only way I can prevent myself from doing so is to avoid her altogether.

I rapidly planted a sloppy kiss on her lips, cutting her mid-sentence as I exited the apartment. I threw the mental angel in my head, telling me to turn around and tell her that I love her. Tomorrow isn't a promise- He reminded me.

I entered the first bar in vision, making myself comfy on one of the stools.

"Can I get a shot of whiskey and a beer to please?" I placed my car on the table, "Also keep the tab open." I shot him a smile, clapping my hands against the table.

The previous empty chair next to me was now accompanied by a woman; Appearing to be in her thirties.

"I hope this seat wasn't taken." She laughed, placing her purse on the counter prior to ordering a margarita.

"Nope." I stated dryly, picking up the cold glass in front of me.

"A super hot man, drinking at the bar alone. My type of guy." She laughed, spinning the straw in her cup.

*Autumn's P.O.V.*

Not long had passed since Riley left, and I'm super bored and lonely. Maybe I should head to the library and hope it's not the same one Riley is at.

I got up from the couch that held my ass for two hours, making my way to the bathroom. I curled my hair in big waves, putting on light make up. I dressed into my tight blue jeans, a black tank top and a black jacket covering my upper half. Feeling bold, I complimented the dramatic outfit with my high-suede boots.

I left the apartment, being sure to lock the door behind me. Maybe I should go to an underage club rather than the library? I'm far too dressed up, and no longer in the mood to sit in a chair. I held my jacket closed over my chest, the breeze instantly turning my nose pink. Walking past the bar Riley fought Jack at, I looked through the familiar window.

I rubbed my eyes, having to doublecheck the sight before me. Riley sat at the bar, a girl far much older sitting beside him. They both laughed, a sharp pain present in my chest. I haven't seen Riley that happy since practically the first night I met him, and that hurt more than I could possibly describe.

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