Chapter 18

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I stomped down the sidewalk, anger evident on my face. Deciding to be the bigger person, I ignored the fact that I just saw Riley in a bar with another woman; Laughing his fucking ass off might I add. 

I didn't want to jump to conclusions and end up looking like an idiot. I'm just going to wait for him to mention it, and if he doesn't then I'll bring it up casually. 

I thanked the taxi driver, paying him. I starred at the huge building before me, nerves present in my stomach. Entering the club, sweaty bodies and hormonal teenagers filled the dance floor. I budged through them, making myself comfy at a table. 

What the hell have I done? Starting to feel like a loser for being alone, I got off from the chair and collected my things. 

"Where you headed to?" A man's voice stopped me. 

"Not that it's your business but I'm leaving." I said this with a smirk, throwing my purse over my shoulder. 

"Why's that?" He stepped in front of me, stopping me from moving any further. 

"What's with all the questions?" I snapped, resulting in a laugh to erupt from the stranger. 

"You're a feisty one." He laughed yet again. I hate to admit how handsome the man actually was. 

"Would you please let me buy you one drink? If you are still bored in ten minutes, then you can leave." He smiled in my direction, gesturing for me to sit down. 

"Fine, ten minutes." I sat down in the chair I was once in, happy he didn't question my age. 

I watched his broad shoulders move and his muscles flex as he walked away. What the heck am I doing? I have Riley, and I love him. If it weren't for me discovering him with the mystery woman at the bar, I wouldn't even be here. 

"Here you go darling." He set the pink drink in front of me, a country accent laced in his words. 

"Thank you." I brought the glass to my lips, pleased to smell the vodka in it. 

"So, what is a beautiful girl like you doing here alone?" He asked me, taking a swig from his beer. 

"My boyfriend is out, so I decided to come here." Why am I admitting my life to this man I met minutes ago? 

"Who the fuck would want to stay away from a gem like yourself?" He smiled, "My name is Christopher by the way, and yours?" He held out his hand, gently taking mine in his. 

"Autumn." I answered. I shouldn't be doing this. 

"Very nice to meet you Autumn." I may regret leaving this possible friend behind, but I couldn't handle the guilt growing inside of me. 

"I'm so sorry, I can't do this." I placed my glass on the table, quickly removing myself from the situation. 

I pretended I couldn't hear him calling my name through the booming music, weaving my way through the crowd. 

I whistled over a taxi, having her take me to the same place I got picked up from; The coffee shop. It may sound pathetic, but I wanted to walk past the bar Riley was in earlier. The thought of him still sitting next to the unknown woman pained me. 

My heels sounded against the pavement, the breeze settling down as the night was darker. I narrowed my eye's through the glass window, my mouth falling open. Riley's lips were pressed against the woman's. Rapidly, I turned away to avoid further heartbreak. I was unsuccessful in holding my tears in, as they all broke loose on the way home. 

I climbed up the flight of stairs, having close to no motivation to do so. I staggered into the apartment, falling onto the bed. I screamed- Pain and agony leaving my body. 

I rocked back and forth, breathing becoming difficult for my wounded soul. 

*Riley's P.O.V.*

I lightly pushed the girl off of me, disconnecting our lips. 

"What was that?" I said, pulling out my chair to get up. 

"We were having a good time, I just thoug-." She spoke, not being able to finish her sentence as I cut her off. 

"Yeah, we were having a good time. I didn't think that screamed suck on my face." I stated, anger boiling on the surface of my figure. 

"And clearly you missed where I talked about my girlfriend for ten minutes straight." I spat, annoyed as ever. Apparently, it's impossible to have a friendly bond with the opposite sex. 

I grabbed my coat from the back of my chair, thanking the bartender for his time. Making my way back to the house, I craved Autumn's lips against mine. I rubbed the material of my coat against my lips as if it would erase what just happened. 

Walking into the apartment, Autumn crying and screaming on the bed shattered me. 

"Baby baby." I ran towards her, bringing her into my chest. 

"No. Fucking get off of me." She screamed, bashing her fist into my sides; Only not succeeding in hurting me. 

"Babe what is wrong? I'm missing something." I stated, meeting her eyes. 

"I fucking saw you kissing that girl. Don't play stupid." She shoved herself from my grip, getting off the bed. 

"Okay. For starters, what you missed was me shoving her off. We were talking for a few hours, and I think she misread things." I stopped her from walking any further, spinning her around to face me. 

"How am I supposed to believe that?" Ouch. 

"Because you love me, and therefore trust me. I would never, ever put myself in a situation that would hurt you," I cupped the side of her face, wiping the wetness on her cheek with my thumb. "I love you more than anything in the world." She looked into my eyes, slightly calming down. 

"I love you. I'm sorry." She wrapped her arms around me, resting her head against my heartbeat. 

The rest of the night was filled with watching scary movies, eating, and smoking cigarettes; The usual. And there is no one in the world I would rather be doing it with. 

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