Chapter 29

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I sat in the chair my ass occupied for the last three months. Tomorrow is my set release date from this prison.

After getting in touch with the help I needed, I decided it was best to go to rehab. Let me tell you- Three months sober feels good.

Bella passed away the night I rushed her to the hospital. The doctors did everything they could, but it was too late. That was also the evening I made a life changing decision; And I'm so fucking grateful that I did.

The moment I step out into the fresh, summer breeze, I will one-hundred percent commit to a better life style. I'm going to clean up my damn apartment and put Autumns belongings into storage. I'm also more than stoked to work on art again. Maybe it's too late to go back to college, I'll probably have to repeat last years courses- If I can find the student loans or money to do that I will. I refuse to ask my grandfather or family for an ounce of help.

"How you feeling today Ri? Excited for tomorrow?" My regular nurse said, entering the small room.

"Hell yeah." I laughed, turning the chair so I was facing her.

"That's good. I'm so proud of you." She spoke, taking me by surprise as she pulled me into a hug.

"Thank you." I said, squeezing slightly as we embraced.

This women has kept me sane along with comforting me every moment I felt alone. And trust me, that was a lot in this cold place.

After small conversation, she left the space- A bright, beaming smile plastered on her face.

Taking my notepad and pencil out of my nightstand drawer, I plopped down on the uncomfortable mattress.

Flipping through my previous drawings, sketches of Autumn covered the thin pages. Being sober was great, but it also came with the luggage of missing her. It's so hard to believe nearly a year has passed since we kissed. The desire to hear her laugh, smell her flowery scent, and touch her soft skin grew with each passing day.

I moved the led across the paper, starting with her gorgeous eyes I could stare at for hours. Fuck; I sound like a damn psychopath.

Pushing the self judgement to the side, I continued drawing her face. Finishing with her long, wavy locks.

* * *

*Jacks P.O.V*

Today, Riley was getting released from rehab. He most definitely has no fucking clue I have been practically spying on him.

Okay, okay. Spying is a tad over fucking dramatic. My girlfriend works at the rehab center and she's been updating me with anything she knows.

To say the very least, I'm fucking miserable. I'm aware that I promised Autumn I would keep her secret, but my blood boils with rage everyday. Not towards anyone but myself. Along with that fucking shit, I've been getting threatened for days.

I blame myself for the man Riley turned into. Maybe, he would have never started heroin and he wouldn't be in the situation he is in. He wouldn't have completely given up on college and art. For fucks sake, that Bella chick might have not died if I wasn't a fucking idiot.

I have to tell him sooner or later, or else it's going to kill me.

*Rileys P.O.V.*

Setting foot onto the warm pavement, I could practically feel the heat vibrating through my shoes.

"Fuck yeah." I whispered to myself, feeling welcomed by the busy sidewalk.

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