Chapter 21

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"So, how is life in the city?" Sky asked, poring Riley and I a drink.

I introduced Sky to Riley after our long embrace, and they seem to already be getting along.

"Good, way different than life here." I laughed, picking up the cup from the marble counter.

"I bet." She stood across from us, resting her elbows on the island.

"By the way, remember Erick?" She asked while digging in the pantry.

"Mascott Erick?" I asked, refreshing my memory.

"Yes. Well, he is now my boyfriend," She laughed, blushing. "He is coming over later. I was thinking maybe he and Riley could hang out and we can party like old times." She giggled, planting her ass on the countertop.

"By party, she means smoke an immense amount of marijuana until we can't stand." I laughed, thinking back to the memories of her and I.

It was the first time in weeks I have thought of the experience her and I shared. Racing heartbeats and sweating bodies. I peered at the marble in the counter, getting lost in it.

"You okay?" Sky laughed, snapping her fingers in front of my face.

"Yes, sorry. Just tired from the flight." I said, placing my hand on Riley's knee from under the table.

"Okay old lady." She laughed, jumping down from the counter to answer the ringing front door.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Riley whispered, meeting his eyes with mine.

"Yes. Just nervous I guess." I said, resting my head on his shoulder.

Sky stumbled back into the kitchen, a lean guy walking behind her.

"Erick, this is Autumn and Riley. You should remember her from high school." Sky said, sitting down on my lap playfully.

"Of course I do." He gently took my hand in his, kissing the top of it jokingly. "Nice to meet you man." He shook Riley's hand before they completed the 'bro' hug.

"So I'm having the girlies over tonight," Sky paused, hopping off my lap and onto Ericks. "And I was thinking you guys can do whatever boys do when they hang out. And Autumn and I will get alone time together." She said this, playing with the hairs on Ericks arm.

"That sounds like a good idea." Riley said, nodding his head in approval.

"Me too. Just promise me you won't get too drunk?" I said in Riley's direction, laughing.

"I promise hun." He smiled, squeezing my hand gently.

"Well before we get this show on the road, I have to go visit my mother." I said, getting off of Riley's lap.

"Good luck with that." Sky said, giving me a hug.

I told them I would see them later, Riley also telling them how nice it was to finally meet.

The ride to my mothers felt like I was day dreaming. I found myself getting distracted by the familiar roads and stores, muscle memory doing most of the driving for me.

"Holy fuck. What are you parents rich?" Riley said this as I pulled into the long, paved driveway.

"They're living a healthy life I guess." I muttered, the stress I was feeling getting the best of me.

I threw the car into park, inhaling and exhaling deeply. I could really go for a paper bag.

"You'll do great babe. And I'll be right by your side." Riley said this, planting his hand on my knee.

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