Chapter 26

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*Riley's P.O.V.*

Arriving at a place that used to feel like home, I picked up my shattered phone from the floor. Turning it on, the corner of the screen glitched. Possibly, it's still useable.

Opening chrome, I looked up the prison Lee was staying at in California. Due to the time difference, they should be taking calls. I bounced my foot up and down, making circles around the living room as the phone rang.

I hit the end button, idiotically remembering inmates can only make calls out- Not receive them. Great, that's fucking perfect. I don't have the money to purchase a plane ticket, neither do I have time to burn.

I can't fly all the way out there, only to possibly get nothing from it. I need him to call
me, and I can only think of one way for him to get that request.

Making my way to the kitchen, I grabbed lined-paper and a pen from the junk drawer. Scribbling across it, I included my phone number; Telling him to give me a call with my signature at the bottom.

Grabbing an envelope from my file cabinet, I shoved the note in it- Printing the address of the prison on the front.

* * *

It was the next, dreadful, morning. I already stopped by the post office to mail my letter to Lee- Now being at home, laying on bed. I only had the energy to stare; At the ceiling, or the art hanging I never quite finished.

Sighing for the millionth time today, I decided to drink my sorrows away. I slumped my way to the kitchen, opening the cabinet in hopes for Jack Daniels.

A wave of satisfaction flushed through me, grabbing the yellow-clear liquor from the shelf.

Padding to the living room, I plopped down on the couch- The sound of old cushions being met echoing through the depressing apartment.

I opened the bottle, flicking the cap across the room. Taking a swig from the alcohol, the burning sliding down my throat was relieving.

Let's hope I don't get too fucking wasted tonight.

*Jack's P.O.V.*

Walking up the damn flight of stairs, my anxiety grew as I knew what I had done. I guess I had some sort of a humane soul to have the decency to check up on Riley.

My fist met the green door, knocking twice. Hearing footsteps, Riley swung it open- Nearly tripping over his feet.

"Damn dude, you good?" Inviting myself in, I shoved past him.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" He snapped, slurring his words in the process.

"Is it a crime to check up on you?" I asked, sitting down on the couch.

"Since when did you care?" He spoke, sitting down next to me.

His breath reeked of alcohol, any empty Jack Daniels on the coffee table.

"Technically, I don't a ton. But I guess this whole thing with Autumn gives you a sympathy card." I said, pulling my pac of cigarettes from my pocket.

"I don't want sympathy. All I do want is do be alone." He said, making his way to the front door and opening it.

"Fine." I huffed, walking out of the front door- A smirking Riley observing my every move.

* * *

*Riley's P.O.V.*

I stumbled down the sidewalk, in desperate need of a fucking bar. My drunken state from earlier was fading off; Now being in a head-pounding buzz.

I smiled at the familiar face behind the bar, taking my usual seat at the tall stool.

The blonde placed a glass of whiskey and ice in front of me, knowing what I usually ordered. Thanking her, I was exciting to numb the pain in my chest.

My phone buzzed in my pocket. I wish it would be from Autumn, but a large part of me knew it wouldn't be.

The screen lit up, a text message from Autumns mother displayed across it.

'Have you heard anything from Autumn? If this continues I'm going to file a missing person report.'

The text caused my heart to sink. What if she was hurting? Physically or mentally- I don't care. Both make my blood boil.

'No I'm sorry. I have been trying. If I hear anything you will be the first to know.'

I typed in response, placing my phone on the counter.

"Can I get another drink please?" I asked, quickly finishing my current one.

"No problem darling." The lady said, placing a new glass before me.

* * *
"Do you need a ride home?" The bartender, Sally, asked- Closing up the bar and shutting off the lights.

"No, I'll be fine walking or grabbing a cab." I slurred my words, almost loosing my balance as I stood from the chair.

"Are you sure about that?" She laughed, putting on her coat and slinging her purse over her arm.

"No." I chuckled, well aware of the spinning room around me.

"I'll drive you, it's not problem." She said, placing her hand on my back to guide me to the door.

Well this is fucking embarrassing.

I trudged behind her, ending up at a white Volkswagen.

"The doors should be unlocked." She said, hopping into the drivers seat as I slumped into the passenger side.

"So where to?" She asked, pulling out of the back lot.

The way to my apartment was filled with me throwing her last minute directions and awkward pauses of silence. I was grateful to see the tall building come into view.

"You can just park here." I said, pointing to a parallel spot by the sidewalk.

"Alright." She hummed, completing one of the worse parking jobs I've seen in ages.

"This looks fucking terrible." I laughed, causing her face to then red.

"Stop." She laughed, placing her hands over her face.

"Sorry sorry. Well thanks for the ride." I spoke, the small space becoming quiet.

What happened next was too much for my confused mind to wrap my head around. She practically lunged herself at me, planting a wet kiss on my lips- her hands wrapped around my neck.

I wanted to stop, and shove this girl off of me in a polite fucking way. Although, my body was frozen. I moaned into the kiss, growing more mad at myself by the minute.

What am I doing?

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