Chapter 6

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From my perspective, nothing but awkwardness filled the smoky air. Riley and Jack bantered about which store sells a pack of eagles for cheaper, Tabaco Road or Shell.  The need to press a pen to my journal had never been so strong. The want to vent ate at me,  I fought my brain to tell Riley every second. 

"I think I'm going to go out for a bit. Is there a coffee shop near by?" The expression on Riley's face looked as though he was concerned. 

"There's Lou Lou's a couple blocks down. Do you want me to walk you there?" Riley answered with a question that followed, placing his hand on my knee. 

"No, I'll be okay. I can text you when I get there." I stood from my spot next to Riley, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze. 

*Riley's P.O.V.*

An uneasy form of knots lay in the pit of my stomach as I watched Autumn leave the apartment. Ten minutes have passed since she announced she was going out, and since than I found it hard to put my eyes into focus. 

"You alright dude?" Jack grabbed my attention, nudging my shoulder. 

"Yeah, she's just been acting off ever since last night. I feel like she has been dodging every question I ask." My nervous habit kicked in as I picked at the nubs of my finger tips. 

"What having you been asking her." Jack shifted in his seat, lighting a cigarette. I could be wrong, but the little bastard looked anxious as hell. 

"Simple things. I asked her what happened in the bathroom last night and her answer seemed like complete bullshit to me." I took a deep breath, pulling out my stupid, addictive smokes. "I know you can be honest." I lit the stick, putting it in between my lips. "What the hell happened anyway?" I really hope I was fucking nervous for no reason. 

"Well she was leaving the bathroom, she opened the door and it hit my nose. It's all good though, just a little swollen." His eyes appeared to be looking at everything and anything but mine. 

The conversation ended short, Jack stating he was late for his sisters chorus concert- I call fucking bullshit but whatever. The nerves in my stomach threatening to exit my body in a not-so-pleasant way made me sense that something wasn't right. As much as I should believe Jack because I knew the kid much longer, I made the decision to not make any assumptions. I should just talk to Autumn first. 

*Autumn's P.O.V.*

I sat in peace at a booth in the corner of the small shop. I didn't buy anything, I just needed an excuse to get out of the house. I saw the back of a man run down the sidewalk in long strides. The bell rang as they burst through the glass door- it was Riley. He appeared to be the man on the mission; pale and winded, determination spread on his concerned face. 

"I need to talk to you." He sat down across from me, cupping my hands in his cold ones. 

"What is it?" I closed my journal, quickly placing it in my purse beside me. 

"I don't know why, but something is extremely off since last night. For starters, your story and Jack's are no where near the same universe. And I can't help the sickness in my stomach at the thought of you lying." He sucked in a breath, his eyebrows forming a crease in his forehead. 

"Can we talk about this anywhere else but here?" I asked this in the nicest way possible. Rudeness will vibrate in my voice due to my anxiety at times; as much as I try to prevent it. 

"Yes yes, of course." We both stood from the maroon cushion. It can only be a hope that the walk back won't be as tense and nerve-wracking as that confrontment was. 

* * * 

"So, are you going to tell me what the hell is going on." I threw my bag on the couch, turning my body with a look of disgust on my face. 

"What is your problem? What have I done for you to assume I'm lying and throw it in my face." My heated body inched closer to him. I felt confident and set on my promise to not tell him about Jack and I. 

"You've been acting weird! I hate to say it, but you have. Something happened last night and I want to know what it is." Hurt was laced in his words, anger in his tone. 

I grew strength, a boggling amount I never felt before. 

"You want to know what happened?" I paused, grabbing the hem of his white shirt. "I had a heated dream." My fingers lifted the fabric over his head, throwing it across the room. "And I can't stop thinking about what it would feel like." My hands made their way to his buttoned jeans, pulling them apart. Memories from the night prior clouded my vision, but I shoved them to the side with the want to focus on him. He's all I ever wanted. 

His hands softly laced themselves between my wavy hair- the light pulling produced the moan that left my lips. 

*Riley's P.O.V.*

She moaned, an angelic sound I have secretly longed to hear. Trailing kisses up and down her neck gave a stronger effect as she threw her head back, whimpering louder than before. I unbuttoned her jeans, squeezing my hand in the small space- my other supporting her arched back. My fingers grazed her clit, the wetness that formed on them gave rise to the rock between my legs. 

"I want you, more than anything." I whispered in her ear, my two fingers entering her warmness. 

I turned her around, lightly pushing her against the wall. I continued the gentle assault on her, my fingers pumping in and out at a quick pace. Her teeth held a tight grip on her lip, as she whimpered and groaned more by the minute. 

"You like that sweetie?" I pressed a kiss on her forehead, before putting mine against hers. 

"Yo-you're going to make me cum." The grip she had on my arm tightened, her eyes squeezing shut. 

"Go ahead baby, cum for me." I paused, moving my lips to her ear. "Relax." Her nails dug into my skin, her back arching more. 

I placed kisses on her chest and neck as she come undone, holding her against the wall. Releasing my fingers from inside, clear liquid covered them. The laugh I had fallen in love with echoed through the studio. 

"Sorry about that." She looked down, blushing. 

"No need at all to apologize. That shows you enjoyed it." I lifted her chin up, my lips attaching to hers. They moved perfectly together, as cheesy as it sounds. 

I swear, I love this girl more and more as each day passes. 

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