Chapter 19

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I woke up to an empty bed and quiet apartment. I groaned, putting my slippers on my cold feet. Trudging around in search for Riley, I grew irritated when I couldn't find him. 

I texted him asking where he was, before curling up in the blankets. 

*Riley's P.O.V.*

My phone buzzed against the counter, hitting the side of my glass. I picked it up, Autumn's name lit across the screen. Pretending as though I didn't see the notification, I put my phone face down on the bar. 

"Hey, Sue. Can I get another glass of sprite and whiskey please?" I said, gulping down the rest of my drink prior to slamming it on the table. 

"Sure thing." Sue said, grabbing my glass and refilling it. 

I thanked her with a smile as she set down my new drink. I got practically no fucking sleep last night; As usual.  Not wanting to wake Autumn, this was the next best thing to settle my emotions. 

After my fourth drink, my phone buzzed against the counter- Only this time it didn't stop. I picked it up, discovering Autumn was calling me. I stood up, all the alcohol I consumed hitting me like a truck. 

"Thank you Sue, have a good day." I said this as I made my way out of my second home, placing a tip on the wooden surface. 

"You got a ride home?" She screamed in my direction, hanging half her body over the counter. 

"Yup yup, no worries." I stumbled out of the bar, failing to put my jacket on for the second time. 

I debated on taking a taxi home, standing on the sidewalk- My weight swinging back and forth. Coming to the conclusion it would be best to try and walk off my drunken state, I began moving my feet in small steps; Like a baby learning how to fucking walk. 

Reaching home, I unlocked the door with blurred vision. A gasp came from Autumn as I fell into the entryway. 

"Seriously Riley?" I heard her footsteps getting closer, anger in each step. 

"Seriously what?" I spoke into the floorboards, the blackness around me spinning. 

"You have to stop fucking doing this." She grabbed my shoulders, attempting to pull my sorry ass up. 

"I got it." I said, picking myself up while groaning in the process. 

"Riley, I'm not kidding." I threw myself onto the bed, looking at a mad Autumn- Her arms crossed in front of her chest. 

"And you also aren't my father. Let me do what I gotta do." I spoke, laughing as I looked at the dancing ceiling. 

"You know what. I give up." She spat, stomping to the bathroom before slamming the door. 

"Good!" I screamed towards her, not meaning a word I said. 

When I was sixteen, I got involved with a bad group of people. We spent mornings, evening, and nights getting drunk; Thinking it was fucking cool. It took me for what felt like a lifetime to move away from that group and get my life back together. I was disappointing everyone around me, and I became tired of feeling like a burden. 

The sadness implanted in my core swelled- Knowing very fucking well I was hurting Autumn with my foolish addiction. 

*Autumn's P.O.V.*

I got dressed, wanting to go anywhere but here. I understand he's hurting; But it's hard to help someone that doesn't want to be helped. Looking at the reflection, I was somewhat satisfied. 

"Where are you going?" Riley asked, still glued to the bed. 

"I just want to be alone right now." I practically whispered, slamming the front door behind me. 

Sadly, I wasn't of age and couldn't sit at the bar all day like Riley. I padded my way to the closest library- Not wanting to take a cab and enjoy the fresh air. Although, it was bitter out. 

Entering the warm building, I was pleased to notice how quiet it was. 

A nice-looking older woman smiled in my direction; Letting me know she would assist me if I needed any help. I thanked her, walking up and down the fiction aisle. I grasped a novel I adored, 'Romeo and Juliet'. Curling up in one of the bean bag chairs, I began reading the book. 

* * *

"Excuse me miss. The library will be closing soon." The woman from earlier informed me. 

"Thank you so much, is there any way I can check out this book?" I asked, removing myself from the chair. I'm surprised how fast time flew as I got lost in fairytale land. 

The nice lady helped me sign up for a membership card and check out my book. Telling her to have a nice evening, I made my way out of the library. Seeing it was now dark in the city, I whistled a taxi. I gazed out the window, admiring the building's we passed. 

"Thank you." I said, paying the driver. 

Strolling to the apartment, I noticed the darkness that filled it. I opened the door, turning on the light in the living room. Riley was passed out in the same spot I last saw him- His mouth wide open. 

"Babe." I shook him, laughing lightly. 

He groaned in response, turning over on his side. I shook my head to myself, starting to get undressed. 

"Baby." He mumbled, facing me. 

"Yes." I said, his eyes ranking my form. 

"Fuck. You can't do that to me." He spoke, inching his way towards me. 

"Do what?" I smiled evilly, knowing exactly what he was talking about. 

"Oh, you know what." He spoke, moving my hand gently to his hard-on. "See what you do to me." He murmured into my air, planting kisses on my neck. 

I moaned, a dampness forming in my pants. He persisted the tender assault, gaining more whimpers from me. 

He hands moved to my waist, placing me on my back at the top of my bed. 

"You're so beautiful." He spoke, moving his lips closer to my womanhood. 

I couldn't control the movement of my hips and the squirming of my body; His tongue flicking back and forth against my clit. He inserted two fingers, gently moving them in and out. I threw my head back against the pillow, screaming his name. 

"B-baby. Oh my god, yes." I gripped his hair, clenching it in the palm of my hand. 

He groaned against me, shaking his head between my legs. 

"So perfect." He removed himself from in between my legs, spitting on my clit- Rubbing circles into it. 

"I want you baby." I spoke as my hips swayed. 

He unbuttoned his flannel, tossing it across the room. I crawled to him, breaking apart the button of his jeans. Grabbing the hem of the denim, I pulled them down. 

"Fuck baby." He breathed as I moved my hand up and down on his shaft. 

I formed saliva in my mouth, spitting it in my palm. Earning a moan from him as I rubbed it into his cock, turned me on even more than I already was. Opening my mouth, I started sucking on him; Moving my hand with the motion of my lips. 

"Fuck yes baby girl." He grabbed my hair, gently pushing himself in and out of my mouth. 

"You're gonna make me cum." He spoke, causing me to moan; Vibrating against him. 

White saltiness filled my mouth. Swallowing every ounce of it; I surprised myself. 

"I love you so much, holy fuck." He spoke, bringing my face to his. 

His lips met mine- Imaginary fireworks exploding behind us. 

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