Chapter 33

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*Autumns P.O.V.*

I woke up in an unknown spot, surrounded by darkness. Warm soil around my shaking body.
I laid on my back, in such a tight space my shoulders almost touched each other.

It was difficult to recollect everything that happened. I went about my normal day, suddenly something horrific happened. The last thing I remember was a man putting his handing over my mouth and nose- A suffocating feeling.

* * *

The sun shed light through the curtains of my bedroom. The birds chirped lightly, my window cracked slightly.

Sitting up and stretching, the clock on my nightstand displayed the time of seven a.m.; The usual hour to which I wake up.

I continued doing the thing I do practically every morning, which is think about Riley. The second I wake up, he's the first thing present in my mind.
If I hadn't gotten rid of my phone, weakness would have indulged me to text or call- And I couldn't do that due to the reason I left in the first place.

I felt like a burden; A giant weight on his shoulders. I stepped into his life out of the blue. A situation that was supposed to be temporary turned into passion and love. Not meaning for that to happen, I found it was best to leave before I drug him down with me.

Trying my best to be selfless, I hurt for what I did to him- Leaving suddenly. No note, call or text. No clues left behind for him to wonder. The last thing I wanted was for him to coming looking for me.

Walking down the small hallway and down the stairs, I started making a cup of coffee. A job is calling my name. I was fortunate enough to have some money saved for small amounts of food every week. Although, I'm going to have to put myself back out there sooner or later.

My days consisted of yoga, journaling, swimming, and binge watching random tv shows. Unfortunately, during those activities I imagined Riley besides me. My love for him is as strong as the day I left. Possibly even stronger.

I cut up an apple and made peanut butter toast while waiting for the coffee to finish brewing. An immense amount of creamer and sugar later, I sat on the couch and watched the news.

A knock erupted at the door. It's most definitely my daily visitor.

"Hey." He smiled as I opened the door, stepping onto the porch.

"Hey William. How are you?" I smiled.

"Good. I was on my morning bike ride and decided to drop off this fruit basket." He said, his excuse for all the mornings he comes by.

"Thank you so much. You didn't have to." I said as he handed me the basket.

Strawberries, blueberries, bananas, and apples filled the basket. Most definitely coming from his family business.

"It's not a problem at all. I best bet going though." He laughed.

He stepped off the porch, looking behind him as we both waved at each other.

I'm very grateful for the moments he decides to swing by. If it weren't for his generosity, I wouldn't have all the healthy food loaded in my fridge.

Placing the basket on the bottom shelf, I once again made myself comfy on the sofa.

* * *

I ran against the dirt and stones, out of breath. Running was my new way of dealing with stress and grieving Riley. Never was I to see him again.

As the cabin came into view, I slowed down to a walk. I was determined to make it home without stopping for a break.

Stomping down the long driveway, I was exciting as I reached the door. The shower calling my name as I slipped my sneakers off.

"Ugh." I groaned to myself in disgust, my feet sweaty.

After showering and reading a dose of my favorite book, I grew sleepy on the couch. Typically I don't feel comfortable falling asleep downstairs, but I couldn't find the energy to make my way to the bedroom.

Closing my book and setting it on the coffee table, rest instantly came my way.

* * *

Strong arms picked me up from my slumber. Feeling like I was in a daze, the instant thought of it being Riley was clear.

Snap out of it Autumn.

I spoke to the man, not having any recollection for what I was saying. Eventually he set me down on the couch, explaining that he was going to take me.
Confused is a weak word to describe how I am feeling. Why is this unknown man informing me he was going to take me? I felt weak, not having the courage to fight back as I suck further into the couch.

Before I knew what was happening, I was off the couch in an instant. The man put his firm hand over my mouth and nose. Memories of Jack flooding in like a hurricane.

* * *

"Somebody help!" I screamed, squirming around the dirt like a worm.

I failed to notice until now my tied hands and legs. The need for fresh air caused my breath to get caught in my throat.

"Please!" I cried out, painting heavily.

Great. I'm having a panic attack in the middle of nowhere. An even more frightening thought; For what I am aware of, no one knows where I am except for the man. Who is that man anyways? What did they want from me?

Closing my eyes, I tried my best to go to my happy place- Riley. I imagined he would be to my rescue in no time. For he was always my savor. Sadly, that's not reality. He has no idea where I am. According to the sick man, it was up to him to safe me. If not, this was my death spot.

For once in awhile, I prayed. Praying harder than I ever have since I was a young girl. Right now, that's all I could manage to do. That, and aim to believe Riley will find me.

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