Chapter 22

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After eating dinner with my parents and catching them up on how life was treating me, we began heading out to Sky. I promised my mom I would text or call at least once a day, hugging her for what felt like hours.

On the way to Sky's house, I felt a weight off my chest.

"I had a really nice time." Riley said, smiling in my direction.

"Me too." I agreed with him, continuing the drive.

Pulling into her driveway, I noticed Claire's and Ally's cars parked.

"The bob-see twins are here." I laughed, parking my car behind theirs.

Riley and I strolled into Sky's house, not bothering to knock as I knew her parents weren't home.

"The party's here bitches!" I heard sky scream through the house, running down the hallway and into my arms.

"She's blasted." I giggled, almost falling to the ground.

"The guys are in the kitchen." Sky said, slurring her words towards Riley.

I walked towards the kitchen, Sky on my back and Riley ahead of us.

"Guys, this is Riley." Erick said, padding Riley on the shoulder as we entered.

It took a lot of convincing to get Sky off of my back. As soon as she was, she almost lost her balance.

After a few minutes of discussing plans for the night, Riley and the guys decided to go to the bar- Being they were all of age- and us girls are going to stay back.

"Come on, Claire and Ally are upstairs." Sky said, tugging me away from the front door where I watched Riley and the guys drive off.

"Guys guess whose here." Sky sang, still holding my hand as she pulled me into her room.

I received screams from Claire and Ally before they tackled me to the ground; I'm surprised I didn't break a rib.

"I missed your smell." Claire giggled, dramatically sniffing in my shoulder.

"I missed your hair." Ally said, running her fingers through it.

"And I missed you guys." I laughed, sitting up from the floor.

"You guys ready?" Sky said, stumbling over to us with a glass bong.

"Oh, hell yeah." I said, grinning as she handed me the piece.

*Riley's P.O.V.*

"So, how did you and Autumn meet?" Erick asked me as we sat at a bar downtown.

"On a train actually." I laughed, taking a swig of my beer.

"Really?" He chuckled, spinning his chair towards me.

"Really." I confirmed.

To be perfectly fucking honest, this was miserable as hell. The only person I felt somewhat okay around was Erick; The three other guys had me on edge.

After an hour of talking with Erick, my lungs were craving a cigarette.

"Mind if I join you?" Dylan asked, hopping off the stool.

"Sure." I answered, only wanting to be polite.

We walked out of the small bar, being welcomed by the chilly breeze.

"How long have you and Autumn been together?" He asked, lighting his cig.

"A little over a month." I said, knowing I was confused to what we were.

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