Chapter 32

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Two days prior
*Snakes P.O.V.*

Slouched against the wall outside of Jacks apartment, I chugged down my eighth beer. The sky outside was dark, my patience growing thin for him to arrive with the information I needed.

Another thirty minutes passed before Jack came stumbling down the hallway, bouncing from one side of the wall to the other. Clearly, he was drunk.

"Did you get it done?" I asked, getting up from the floor; My ass numb as hell.

"Yuppp." He slurred, walking past me.

"I did not just sit here all day for that answer." I groaned, following him into the apartment.

"Not my fault." He continued, plopping down on the couch dramatically.

"Can you just provide me with a little more details?" I questioned, becoming slightly irritated with his state.

"I told you, I got it done. We are heading out there tomorrow morning." He said.

"Time?" I asked, wanting to leave as soon as possible. The quicker my part is done, the faster I can get my life on track.

"Six a.m. Now can you please stop with all the questions?" He said, causing me to laugh slightly.

Leaving the complex filled with a gross odor of garbage and piss, I was gladly on my merry way to part B. Now, I was to walk to central park. Apparently, Lee arranged for a car to be there in a near parking lot.

Twenty minutes of sweating due to my attire and the summer air, a gray Volkswagen came in sight; The exact vehicle Lee informed me would be here.

Grasping the keys from the passenger side tire, I made my way around to the other side. A satisfying purr came from the engine as I started her up.

"Hell yeah." I stated to myself, looking forward to the drive in this beaut.

Ripping from the spot, the tires squealed- I'm sure they woke up half the city. I knew where I was headed, going over the route in my head for days now. Luckily, the shortcut I was taking would get me to the destination in three hours other than four. Everyone loves a head start.

* * *

The clock struck four a.m. as the I drove down the dirt road. If this was the correct one, the cabin should be at the end of it, not another house for miles; Perfect. That makes my duty much easier. No one was to get in my way.

A grin formed on my face as a tiny house came into view. I parked the car to the side of the road, not wanting to draw attention to myself by pulling into the driveway.

The bottom of my sneakers made little noise as I moved against the rocks, tiptoeing. The want to be quick about this was swallowed alive. I had to be smooth and slow- No chance of messing this up.

Weaving in and out of the massive trees, I hunched down. The back door wasn't a sliding one, which I'm happy about.

Gripping the doorknob with my hand, I turned it steadily. A low clicking noise sounded; A racket I wish she didn't hear. Opening the door was more in my favor, for it didn't squick once. For that, I am charmed.

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