Chapter 30

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"Rhode Island. I have a vacation house there that used to be my dads. I told her she could stay there as long as she needed." He said, cracking his knuckles. I've never seen the dude so nervous.

"The only thing keeping me from breaking your face in is Autumn. Take me to her, and I'll leave you the fuck alone." I spat, standing up to pace the apartment.

I can not believe this stupid bastard knew the entire time where she was. Even better, he fucking helped her with the god damn plan. I paced around in loops around the furniture, trying to ease the anger forming inside of me.

"I'm sorry, I really am. I should have told you sooner." He spoke but his words sounded like mush; Lava to my ears.

If I'm being honest, I have no fucking care for what he has to say. The only statements I will be paying attention to is the directions to Autumn.

"We're leaving tomorrow morning. Expect me to be at your house around six a.m." I snapped, irritated as all hell.

"Sounds good." He spoke, making his way out of the apartment.

For the remainder of the evening, I packed up an emergency bags; Spare clothes, cigarettes, water, and a couple beers. Excitement formed in the pit of my stomach at the thought of seeing her. I couldn't help but wonder if she looked different? What if her personality completely changed?

Stop. It's only going to make me panic.

Only having a few hours to sleep until this car ride- Which by the way, I'm definitely not looking forward to- I figured it would be best to head to bed.

As my eyes closed, for the first time in almost a year, a smile formed on my face; One so fucking big my cheek bones hurt.

At last, I would be seeing my girl.

* * *

It was five forty in the morning, and I was on my way to pick up Jack. I can't believe I'm about to spend four hours in a car with this fucking jackass. Although, if he's taking me to Autumn, I'm sucking it up.

My fist met the center of my steering wheel, blowing the horn- Not having a care for who else wakes up in this building.

Jack came into view, stumbling down a flight of stairs.

"Hey." He mumbled, tossing a bag behind him.

"Are you good with directions or am I going to need a gps?" I asked, praying for the GPS. Having to listen to his annoying voice is going to drive me insane. To think that we used to be buddies.

"Nah, I know where we're headed." He stated, lighting a cig.

"Perfect." I said sarcastically, peeling out of the parking spot.

* * *

Five hours later we were on the same road for the third time.

"Where the fuck are you taking me? We've been driving in circles for god knows how long and we were supposed to be there an hour ago." I said, Jack dancing on my last nerve.

"Chill the hell out. I haven't been to this house in years. I know what I'm doing this time." He muttered, huffing under his breath.

"You sure about that?" I chuckled out of annoyance.

"Yup." He said dryly, glancing out the window.

All my mind wondered to was Autumn. During this entire trip, all I could fucking think about was her; Her warm embrace, her silky hair and the way her smile could light up a room.

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