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☁Hello my lovely Riders.

It is I, the creator, and your friend *wink* and I am happy to present to you *drum role* I Am Black!

Okay I'm going to stop talking now and get to the point and the description.



Hannah Carnelian Crest is an average fairly tall sixteen year old. She is newly out of highschool and is standing at the height of 5'9. Hannah loves to dance and is so full of energy and life. She is up to date with all the trending songs and there isn't a song that Hannah does not know. Hannah hails from Benin city, Edo state. She has four lovely, fun and troublesome friends whom she considers as real friends. Hannah has just one older brother who is an albino and they have a very rocky sibling relationship, Even though he is older than her with just three years he acts like he is her father.

Hannah has a love for music that can never be quenched. She is not the best and she secretly hates Physics.


Hannah was meant to travel Abroad with her brother once he came home to visit. After her brothers stay of one week and a lot of goodbyes here and there, they moved to Lagos to stay with her aunt. And from there they made their way to America through the international airplane.

Once there she didn't know how it happened or why but she was hated. All because she was black. They didn't want her. They didn't like her. But some how some way she found herself in that school and her very own hell on earth.

With the hate, bruises, twists, fun, laughter, threats and fear, she still manages to survive.

Come and see fun and sad moments added with a little dash of jealously, imperfections and doubt and two tea spoons of emotional train rides with a gallon of drama. Watch how she meets the three guys that gave her a little bit of hope in where she stayed. Watch how she made decisions both the good and the bad that would change her life forever.

Now that that's said... *rubs palms together* let's get down to this.


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Enjoy. ☁

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