Chapter 22: Ugly ones

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#vickie_emi I I really do hope that this was the book you wanted me to update. And I am sorry I haven't replied a lot of people, practically, the only way I can say "hi" now is through my books. My account is giving me a lot of problems, hopefully it will be rectified soon...

I hope. @vickie_emi

Its a free country they say? No bullying right? But I call that bullshit. I'm not the only one who gets bullied, but I'm the most targeted. I'm the infamous Hannah Crest, baby. I am Black, so I'm ugly.

A cute girl walked into school. She had  a light blond hair and green eyes. Let's not forget to mention she was really pretty. It was Tuesday and the cafeteria was serving tacos. As soon as she stepped her foot in, she seemed to catch everyone's attention. How do you do that?

The boys and I stopped eating, we watched her toy with the straps of her bag, I wondered if she was comfortable while almost everyone was watching.

it sucks to be you.

You would be surprised that I later learned her name was Leslie. Word goes around school. God, let the bullying just switch to her. Let these Witches and Wizards leave me alone

I hadn't seen Kenneth since last week Monday. He was even absent from school. Jordan and Alexis didn't seem to talk about it and I didn't want to be the one to bring it up. But I was just too curious, I had to ask.

"Guys... Um, have any of you seen Kenneth lately? "

Jordan chewed and swallowed "yeah, not in a very good mood"

"When is Kenneth ever in a good mood? " Alexis asked incredulously

I sighed "I think I know why though", That, got their attention. Their gazes made me squirm. "Um... We had a fight, and he mentioned a girl... I don't know but he was very angry. I didn't think that would cause him to shut you two out. If I knew I wouldn't have asked him anything "

"Ask him about what? " Alexis didn't pay much mind to me, either way he asked and I answered.

"There was a video... Of me. Its–its not what you think but... In the video I was very embarrassed and humiliated and Kenneth got everyone to delete it. I–it just shocked me, you know? I didn't pin him as one to 'help' me, since he clearly doesn't like me and any chance of us being friends is gone now " I said tearfully

Jordan sighed "Argh... Look, we'll talk to him okay? Don't feel bad. I think what you did was what you thought was right. I mean, if I were you I'd think the same thing. "

Alexis stuffed his face "yeah, don't worry. Anyway, wanna go play basketball after school? "

My ears perked up "would I ever"

"Is that a yes? "

"Definitely "

I still had nightmares of last week. If I said I disliked the demons ever again, call a doctor. Even the word "hate" won't describe how much I would love to see them suffer. I hate them so much. Stupid life. Stupid complexion. Stupid hair. Stupid voice. I'm just so stupid.

After all the denying I've been saying to myself. I had come to believe that what Rachel had been saying about me was true. I am ugly because I am Black. Now that I had finally come to realize, it was time to think black.

They planned it. They scarred me, and I couldn't hate my brother more. If he had minded his stupid business, Brandon wouldn't have molested me and taken pictures. Now in order for those pictures to not be online, floating freely and ruining the rest of my stupid life, I had to do what ever he said.

Wow... I must really love the word stupid, I really said that a lot.

Maybe a little basketball would ease the nerves. The boys knew something had been off about me, heck, even my brother and his roommates did, but it was a good things they weren't pestering me. I would crack. And it wouldn't be a sight to behold.

"You called your brother on me, bitch?" He chuckled grabbing my waist. My eyes were the size of watermelons, and I was confused.

I was always confused.

I pried his hands off, giving off a nervous laugh "what is a brother? "

Brandons face turned into an ugly frown "don't lie to me! You told them about me, about your bullies. Those motherfuckers came to this school harassing everybody to tell them who bullied you! You sadistic bitch! They fucking ruined Thomas's face. Dude had to get surgery for a broken nose! "

My face had gone pale. Although my heart warmed that my brother was trying to help, but he only dug a deeper grave for me—

"Hannah? " Alexis brought me out of my ugly thoughts with his concerned voice. I've been zoning out a lot lately.

"Eh? " I Sat up straighter "what happened? "

Alexis blinked "n-nothing. "

"Look about basketball, uh... I can't " I suddenly said. Alexis and Jordan gave me weird looks, I bit my lip "where does Kenneth live? I need to talk to him"

He has been absent for a week for Godsake! His friends didn't talk about him, they slightly dodged when I asked what he's been doing and now I'm plain worried. Was he alright?

"Why? " Jordan asked

"I just said I needed to talk to him" I said in annoyance

"I know that" Jordan said


"I just needed to know why you want to talk to him. " he finished, relaxing on his chair

"Jordan... Please, it's —its something him and I need to discuss " I said

Alexis wrote on a piece of paper and handed it to me, Jordan scoffed "oh come on! "

Alexis chuckled and shrugged "sorry man, at least maybe she'll be able to talk him out of his shell"

"A very hard shell" Jordan mumbled, "sorry, what? " I asked, "nothing " he covered and gave me a smile.

... Weird.

3 Hayes Street.

And at four I found myself at Kenneth's mansion. It was so exquisite. The gates were broad and long, with shiny oily black paint color. The grasses were well trimmed and the fountain in the middle of the entrance was an angel. His house was at least 3 stories tall. There was a fountain at the middle and I did the math in my head, Kenneth house seemed to have been built in three plots of land. Three sparkly cars were parked in the car park. A Range Rover caught my eye, almost immediately I began to drool. See Machines, I thought.

I began to think this was a bad idea. Maybe I shouldn't have come, oh Hannah what were you thinking!? Kai! My feet had already found itself at his door step and before I knew it I had rung the bell.

I heard shuffling and the door opened, showing a beautiful lady who looked like she was in a haste "um... Good Afternoon ma,ma please I'm looking for Kenneth Wayne, is he... Home? "

"Oh no! "Her green eyes looked tired, the same yes Kenneth had, "I rarely have time to see him. You can wait in his room though, I'm sure he's still at school "

"He wasn't. For a week actually, that's why I'm here"

She sighed and removed some fallen hair from her messy bun off her face "I really didn't know. " her lips were pursed "I'm sure he'll be home late. Just wait okay? "

I nodded, "where's his room? "

"Second floor on the right! " she called and ran off to her white Mercedes Benz.

Once in his room, my eyes widened. I didn't picture Kenneth as a messy guy.

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