Chapter 25: Give Me Your Money

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Have you ever felt like your heart wants to jump out of your chest? That feeling when you think you won't get caught yet its the complete opposite. That feeling when you feel as if you've been cornered. Game over. No where left to run.

He caught me. I was done for, so I began praying to God, chinekemo. Jesus, abeg help me o.

Silence rung in the air. Not the kind of silence you would be comfortable with, it was the mere opposite. I didn't realize I held my breath till I had the urge to breathe. Kenneth still didn't turn around. I wanted to yell "you don't scare me" or "I'm not afraid of you, turn around! " but I was too chicken.

"Are you just going to stand there like an idiot or are you going to make up some stupid excuse and tell me why you followed me here, even though I told you to stay away from me"

"Kenneth, I-"

"Even though you know I'm dangerous, I'm suffocating, Hannah. I'm sick. I've told you countless times to stay away. No body wants to be around the sick kid, but no. You're too stubborn to. Last warning. Get out and don't look back. " he said without turning to me. It made my heart squeeze painfully. All of what he said made me bleed.

"Why do you say you're sick Kenneth? You are not sick" I made small steps towards him "you're much more than that. You are strong and brave and bold and I'm sure Alexis and Jordan think so too -"

"Shut up! " he blew, trembling "shut up! Shut up! Shut up! This is some kind of game to you, huh? You call me sick next you're saying I'm not. You call me messed up now you're trying to fix me. Guess what? I am messed up, Hannah and I hate you. I hate your face, your hair, your color! Your everything I wish you would leave. Leave. Leave me the hell alone! You make things worse and now I'm going to exact my own revenge. I will make you feel the way I've felt, the darkness, despair, loneliness, anger, hatred all at once! " he yelled at my face, stepping closer. I found my self staggering back "you will bleed, you will be emotionally, physically and spiritually drained. I will finish you till there's nothing else to finish then there will be nothing in your body to keep you going. "

"Why" my voice was so little. Tears brimmed my eyes. I was going to cry. I really had no idea what I had done to make him hate me the way he did.

He scoffed. "When I'm with you I can't breathe. I have the urge to hurt you, in the most absurd way possible. When I'm with you suddenly I want you dead, gone. Far away! Everything was fine... Before you came" he glared so hard at me, hate oozed off him. He clenched and unclenched his fists.

"I'm sorry if you feel that way because of me Kenneth, I -I didn't know you felt that way, all this time... " I sniffed " I thought some body actually wanted to be my friend. I didn't know that I was that unbearable. Suffocating. I'm sorry I -"

"Shut up. You're an ugly crier " he deadpanned.

"Listen. Nothing you say to me will make me change my mind about you. And if you tell anybody about this, anybody at all, you will wish I drove a steak through your chest. " his eyes never left mine. He stormed out of the basement, leaving me trembling. Soon I began crying, hitting the ground and screaming. What did I do wrong?

Telling Alexis and Jordan wasn't an option. It never was in the first place.

**** **** **** **** **** ***

Jordan was driving us to Alexis's house, he had to rush somewhere because he received a phone call which caused him to become cold. Whatever the person said must have really upset him. Due to that call he had to drop us a few blocks away from Alexis's house, I didn't really mind. I never really felt like going home, if I could I would stay over at Alexis's for the night.

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