Chapter 3: What's Wrong with Being Confident ?

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                 Sunday flew so fast, I felt like I didn't have time to do anything, I didn't even have time to properly be lazy and now it was Monday. I was wearing a pink top with a smiley face on it, then a black jeans with blue and white canvas.

I let my hair free, it stood proudly on top my head. It was voluminous and screamed "look at me!" Because it practically made me look like a lollipop.

"Hannah, lets go before you're late." Mordecai called out. He was already out of the house, waiting impatiently. 

A red Highlander was parked in front of our house when I got out, I paused."You have a car!" I exclaimed.

"No, I have a tricycle," He deadpanned. My face fell, "yes stupid, I have a car now get in."

I got in begrudgingly, hating how he made me sound stupid. I clutched my backpack, staring out the window the entire time. At this point I was conflicted with my feelings, about school and how everyone would treat me. Butterflies crawled around my belly the faster we moved.
The sign that greeted us when we arrived was big, bold and eccentric, and it said 'Empires High school'. The place looked a bit old, with the obvious aging brick walls at the entrance and the sign that also had founded in 1965 written in small black letters, other than that the place was neat. Different cars lined up at the parking lot and students loitered around. My guess was that classes hadn't started yet. I looked at my brother, "where do we go from here?"

He killed the engine, "we go get you your schedule and have them take you to your first class."

I squirmed in my seat.

"Come on. " he said getting farther away. I hurriedly got down and followed, I called out to him but he didn't answer, he just kept walking faster.

When I got closer I realized the school was more beautiful and sophisticated than it was shown on the internet. I was awestruck. I followed closely behind Mordecai, I could get lost and it won't be pretty.

"Okay, Locker 32 is yours okay? " he said, not looking at me but forward like he wasn't talking with me. "I already met with your Principal, and I got your schedule for you, so–"

"Weren't we supposed to go to the principal together?" I said, deeply annoyed already. "Who is going to direct me to my next class then?"

He looked at me sternly, "keep your voice down."

I hadn't realised people were already looking. I fumed silently. "Fine, go."

He blinked.

I kept my stance, staring directly at his pale orbs. "I can take care of myself. I don't need you."

Mordecai's expression morphed from shocked, to incredibly pissed off before he laughed coldly at me. "Good luck, sister." He eyed me, then stalked out of the place with his hands deep in his pants pocket.

             I left to find my locker, and I did after I met with the principal who's name I later learned to be Mr John Cuffman. Finding him was a hard task on its own but I did. He showed me my locker and offered to take me to my first class.

People kept looking at me, like I was an alien specie. I bit in my cheek and paid no mind to them, although when I caught someone staring I smiled, trying to be nice, they returned it with a scowl.

That was very welcoming.

Keeping my head high, I tried to seem confident when I really wasn't. I forced myself to keep eye contact with some of the students who blatantly stared, but it got difficult, so I resulted to pretending like there wasn't a large body of students who had nothing better to do than stare at me like creepy night owls.

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