Chapter 14: The Dinner

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Kenneth opened the door and walked in. I walked right after him, nervousness eating me alive. Some people were already seated and I spotted Alexis and Jordan amongst them.

"Hannah! " Alexis  Shouted, jumping up from his chair and running towards me "you made it! "

I giggled "yeah I did"

Alexis smiled and let go, A woman with blonde hair and dark brown eyes walked in, holding a cooking spoon.
She offered both Kenneth and I a smile before turning towards Alexis

"Quién es Alex?  (who is she Alex?) " The woman spoke in what I assumed was Spanish, Alexis' Smile widened -if that was even possible -

"mamá, esta es ana. ella se unirá a nosotros para la cena de esta noche(mom, this is Hannah, she will be joining us for dinner Tonight) " Alexis spoke fluently, The woman beamed. Her face cracked into an enormous smile -so that's where Alex got that from.

" Good Evening ma" I greeted,smiling.

She grinned widely," Good Evening, Darling. Call me Emilia."

I shook my head with a frown.

"I'm sorry ma, I can't call you that. It will be disrespectful"

"Nonsense" she waved me off, still smiling, "I insist"

"No ma," I chuckled and she pouted but let it go anyways.

There was no way I was calling her by her first name. Who did that?

Kenneth, Alex and I joined the table and sat down. A boy with blonde hair and striking green eyes sat across me, his muscles bulging out of his Shirt. He had a straight nose and a cute smirk. A girl sat beside him, She had a pixie cut with the Same Striking green eyes with a blonde hair. She wore a pink shirt with a red jacket with a blue jeans trouser. She smiled a lot always teasing the blonde boy.

"Hannah, meet Valentino, my-" Alexis begun but Valentino cut him off

"Cousin " he said, smiling at my direction, I smiled back and looked at the girl. She was poking her spaghetti and meatball. Alexis sighed but continued "That's Valencia, his Twin "

Valencia Smirked. "Valencia Moreno, nice to meet you" she extended her arm, Alex scoffed "I just said that"

"Shut up dumbass" Valencia Snapped

"Hannah Crest" I shook her arm and smiled

"ah, postre pronto estarán listos los niños(ah, the desert will soon be ready kids!)  " Alex's mom yelled in her sweet voice.

"Mom! Not all of us can understand that language! " Alexis yelled back, rolling his eyes.

"Be nice" I smacked his arm.

"Ouch! She knows I don't mean it like that"

She giggled and ran out "oops, sorry Kids! Desert will soon be ready! " she said and ran back in the kitchen.

What a hyper mom.

Alexis Sighed and sank into his chair
"Oh gosh, i'm going to regret this" he mumbled, Jordan faced me and smile"Hanny, I'm glad you could make it" I smiled back.

Maybe nothing will go wrong

"Valentino, Where's my knife? " Valencia Asked, while searching her bag. Valentino shrugged and played a game on his phone, I could tell it was candy crush because -

Sugar Crush!


Yeah... That. He paid no attention to his sister. Alexis's mom came out to serve Kenneth and I our food. Alexis,  Jordan, Valentino and Valencia already began eating, Alexis's mom sat and joined us on the table. Kenneth used his fork and stabbed the meat ball as soon as the food was set on the table. He took the meatball and ate it.

Like that oh. Just like that. Is your mouth made of Iron ni??

With the steam coming out of it, it ought to be hot, but his face didn't show any kind of pain from the heat.

I looked at the spaghetti. Then at the meatballs. Then at the fork. I picked up the meatball with my hands and dropped it quickly blowing the hell out of my fingers.

I eyed the fork again and licked my lips.

I looked at him, then back at my food. I took a breath and stabbed my meatball also, the steam rose and I began to think if it was a bad idea. But... I was going to do it, I didn't want to be the only one blowing my food Like a baby.

Probably the stupidest thing I ever did, really.

I shoved it into my mouth and my eyes watered, I spitted it out and began coughing. "Hannah? Hannah! Water she needs water! " Alexis yelled, and Jordan hopped of his seat to get me a glass. It was so hot!.

"Holy shit! " Valentino cursed

My mouth wasn't even wide enough for it to fit completely, remind me why I did it again? Jordan went into panic mode, mistakenly hitting Kenneth's head in the process.

Jordan brought the water and I chugged it down, I looked up to see Valentino's faced smudged with Meatball sauce, my hands went to my mouth as I gasped. "Oh Valentino, I am so sorry, I -I didn't mean to I swear-"

"Its alright " He gritted and stood up abruptly

"No no, its not alright I am-"

"Its Alright Hannah" he squeezed his eyes shut, now I just felt terrible. My throat felt constricted, like it always does when I try not to cry. "I'm sorry" I whispered

"Its okay Hannah " Alexis whispered and held my hand soothingly. I exhaled and nodded, feeling stupid.

"So, has anybody seen my Knife? " Valencia asked, The boys glared while Valentino walked into a room.

"Why do you need a knife Valencia?! " Alexis Demanded

"So I could use it to murder you at midnight " She bit back

"You'd have a life sentence for that, plus you'd never get away with it. You're horrible at hiding evidence " Alex retorted

"Guys! " Kenneth Interfered "not the time "

"oh mi cena! esto no es como la había planeado la noche(oh my dinner! This is not how I planned the evening) " Alex's mom muttered, I felt bad. Like I said before, I was really stupid.

"Mom! " Alexis glared "not the time! "

"I'm just going to... Go " I mumbled, Jordan's head snapped to my direction "you are not going till we have desert "

Turns out, the Dinner did go wrong after all...


Alexis insisted on dropping me home and I had to accept. He wouldn't let me go otherwise. Oh I'm such an idiot! After the horrible incident that happened I haven't been working specifically well.

Which kind luck me get sef?

I made a horrible first impression to Alexis's mom and cousins. I'm just a big bag of trouble. After all my frustrated groans I slept, hoping I could sleep away my troubles.

If only it were that easy.


Christ is dead...
He is risen...
Christ will come again...

Happy easter.

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