Chapter 17: I'll kill them

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I Know :-P you just love me B-)
The only reason I did this was because one of my friends was disturbing me *laughs* and THANK YOU FOR BEING WITH ME THIS FAR. ITS HEART WARMING. ❤

BIKO means Please.

ABEG also means Please.

Just in case you've forgotten.

I was taken home soon after. Mordecai was called to pick me up and won't stop ranting

"What in the hell happened to you Hannah?! Why are you sick! " Mordecai whispered harshly in my ear as soon as we reached the schools parking lot

I blinked.

"Excuse me? " I whispered

"Oh you heard me! Get in! " He demanded while climbing in his car. I took the passengers seat and buckled up, releasing a shaky breath.

"Well I don't exactly control my body and tell it when or when not to get sick" I mumbled

He sighed "what happened? "

I sighed and closed my eyes " abeg abeg abeg Mordecai, I want to sleep, please BIKO leave me alone" I told him sharply

"Okay, we'll talk later " he mumbled and I went into a dreamless sleep.


I woke up in a room painted in an off-white color, Pedro's room was painted a grey color. I winced as I sat up, the bed was king sized. Standing up, I walked out of the room and headed down to get a glass of water.

The boys were seated on the dining table both Levi and Gabriel were shirtless,eating pancakes. Pedro, Mordecai and Kevin were eating pancakes with shirts... Thank God.

"You're up " Mordecai said

"No oh" I rolled my eyes "I'm still sleeping "

"Still sarcastic I see" he smirked "so, what happened? "

"Eh? " I played dumb

"At school what happened? "

I sucked in air as the boys perked up " I - I I got, I'm being... Bullied " I whispered... Well, that's a very hard thing to confess

"Bullied? " he asked as if he's never heard such word. I nodded

"By who? "

"There-there's alot of them " I whispered again suddenly finding it hard to swallow.

Mordecai clenched his jaw "I'll kill them " I perked up at this words "First thing tomorrow morning "

"What?! you wan kill me? Ah! " I exclaimed

Everybody knows you don't report or rat out your bullies, it will only be ten times worse!

"What? I'm going and that's final" he glared at me and I glared back "I'm only looking out for you "

"Hehe" I muttered dryly "oh,so na now you wan look out for me eh? What happened two months ago! " I screeched becoming mad.

He sighed looking at me tiredly "take a rest Hannah "

I hissed and brushed passed him with my weak body. He stumbled back, but even I knew that such a weak move wasn't able to make him stumble.

I took my water from the fridge "shouldn't you be drinking warm water? " Mordecai asked.

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