Chapter 31 : Becca Dallas

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After we got to Jordan's house I was pretty impressed. The house was massive, every thing about it was. I learned some information that left me laughing that night and soon after Jordan drove me home along with Alexis. Now, let's get back to the matter at hand.

Those stupid boys that ate like goats.

Honestly I couldn't understand how they could live in a house like this when they hardly ever swept. Usually Mordecai was the one who washed the plates while the rest get lazy. It had been two months since I had come to America and to be honest, I was  kind of enjoying it now that I had the boys.

The boys kind of include ; Jordan, Alexis, Mordecai, Pedro, Levi, Kevin and Gabriel. Recently they made me feel at home.

I never really pondered on the thought for too long, but now that I was getting comfortable I realized that Kevin and Levi had some similarities.

Levi had a striking blond hair that was almost white, while Kevin had honey blond. The same brown orbs both boys had and the same laugh. Funny enough Kevin and Levi laugh alike. But the thing is Levi laughs a lot. His laugh makes me laugh.

During these month's I also learned that Pedro had a twin also who died of cancer. It made me think of how I would feel if Mordecai died.

   I hadn't encountered Scarlet again and I didn't even bother anymore. Sure, her malice was bugging me but she didn't want to give me a reason why she was avoiding me. I wasn't even going to try anymore. Anytime I had even tried to approach her she fled. What did I ever do to her?

Did she not want to be seen with the Black kid? Was she ashamed of me?

I didn't know. In fact, I didn't want to know. I had the boys and if she doesn't want me, its her cup of tea.

   Recently I was told Jordan had a little sister. I was shocked. When I asked about her, he blushed. Then I insisted on meeting her and then I had an opportunity which was the day we had pizza at his house. And oh boy that was a ride.

On that day I had entered Jordan's mansion with Alexis and Jordan. Kenneth was away, to where? I didn't know all he said was 'I have somewhere to be'. Jordan's sisters name was Becca. Becca Dallas. I had never seen so much pink on a girl in my life and the girl lacked manners.

When I stepped foot in the house, Approximately 5 minutes later a loud scream came from up stairs. We all cringed. Alexis muttered under his breath distastefully in Spanish. Jordan's hands went to his forehead where his brows creased. The clicking of heels were heard from above as the girl descended.

I didn't know what I was expecting, but Jordan's sister was gorgeous. She walked down gracefully holding a scowl on her beautiful face.

"Jordan, where is my phone!? " Becca screamed. First impression matters a lot and in my opinion, her first impression was trash. She didn't acknowledge Alexis and I. Her green eyes blazed as she stared at Jordan.

Jordan frowned saying, "Mother and Father insisted that– "

"I don't care what Mother and Father have to say, Jordan! Where is my damn phone?! " she screamed, stomping her foot. My eyes traveled to get 4 inch heels.

"Becca, I can't tell you that. Lately you've been spending way too much time on that thing so Father decided you need more time on your books so –"

"Why are you telling me this? I don't care! I asked a simple question... Where is my phone?! " she interrupted him again. My mind traveled back home, thinking about what will happen when you talk to your elders that way. I couldn't believe Jordan tolerated that.

"I broke it" he deadpanned.

Becca looked like a dear in the head lights.

"You broke what! " she screeched. I didn't need anyone to conclude. The girl was a brat.

Jordan ignored and turned to me "so,  Hannah, what would you like? "

I shook my head and waved him off, "water"

He chuckled, "water? Just water? "

I looked at Alexis who shrugged, then I looked back at him, "yes. Water is fine"

"Alright " he drawled, before disappearing into where I assumed  was the kitchen. Becca seemed to have finally gotten out from shock because gradually her face started to become red.

She marched to Jordan, flipping her pencil straight blond hair over her shoulder. Without warning she hit the glass off of Jordan's hands and gave him a withering look. The glass shattered into a hundred pieces and a look of shock flashed across Jordan's face.

"Jordan! " she screeched, boiling mad. "You broke my phone! All my texts and pics are gone! "

A vein shot up from Jordan's head, "well, I'm happy the damn phone got broken, you brat! "

"Heeyy... Jordan, take it easy oh! " I exclaimed.

Alexis nudged me with an amused smile before whispering, " don't, the good part is coming "

My brows shot up in recognition. Then after that I kept my mouth shut, witnessing the exchange between brother and sister.

"You're happy!? " before Becca could continue, Jordan stomped off.

"Jordan! Jordan, get back here! You owe me a new phone and sub for a year! " Screamed Becca, madly.

"Ee... " I muttered to Alexis, "this one is serious, oh"

Alexis smirked, "she's crazy"

Becca's gaze traveled to Alexis. She heard him. Oh, she did. Her gaze became hard.

"Oh, Alexa... What was that? " her tone became unbelievably sweet.

Alexis's jaw ticked, "its Alexis"

"You know its weird right" she continued, totally ignoring him and the death glares I was throwing at her, "its weird how your name is Alexis, isn't that a girls name? I mean, I wouldn't blame them, you look like a wuss" she ended eyeing him up and down.

I looked at Alexis in disbelief. Was he really going to take that? He kept quiet, staring at the floor, seeming deep in thought.

She laughed. Where the hell was Jordan? He needed to get his bratty sister out of my sight before I said something I normally wouldn't.

"Oh, Alexis. You know I'm right, aren't I? And what was that about the attack and your weakness? "

She knows about the attack?

Alexis froze. I blinked, she laughed.


Whattt? Triple update? Lol. Yeah. You all deserve it.

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