Chapter 37: Tables Turn

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Quick note : please there's an important note at the end,

I smiled at Pearl, completely ignoring Ashton and his glares. With a wave, I walked away from her.

The party was on full swing and the moon was out shining rather bright. I had promised myself that I'd enjoy this party so why wasn't I enjoying it? My need to be with the boys came and I couldn't ignore it, especially when I was feeling so lonely at the moment. I chastised myself at the thought, I should learn to be on my own more.

Everyone was so engrossed in one another and it was like I was the only one without a direction. Maybe walking around a huge house where half the population of the school were in at a party wasn't such a good idea, it dawned on me when I sighted Rachel with Thomas, the blonde boy and third member of Mitchell's gang. It didn't take long for Rachel so see me too and I didn't back away from her stare.

          A smirk quickly found its way to her cherry red lips. It didn't take a second for Thomas to look in my direction too before he whispered in Rachel's ear. If possible, her smirk widened a fraction, her eyes still not leaving mine. My palms began to sweat again. I willed myself to look away from her then I spun on my heels, walking into another direction, using my eyes to search for any of Alexis or Jordan.

I was starting to regret coming to the party even more when I saw a face I wouldn't be forgetting anytime soon. The blackness of his hair stood out amongst many, creating a stark contrast to his bright blue eyes.

Blake was here. Abby's 'boyfriend'.

My skin crawled.

He was talking with Brandon with his hands on Abby. My bullies were too much at this party. What was I thinking. Everywhere I turned, I spotted one of them, in this case three. I was almost close to tears. What would I do if they all decided to gang up against me here? This time around, there was no one to save me.

I didn't wait for them to spot me, I ran to another direction, just hoping that I find Alexis or Jordan or maybe even Kenneth. It was better than being alone.

   Believe it or not, I still worried about Scarlet and a tiny piece of me wished that I would see her at the party but I knew that the chances were slim. She would never come to a place like this. Neither should I.

I was able to avoid Brandon, Mitchell, Ashton and Blake along with the Demons without any harm. Walking away from Alexis wasn't the smartest idea. I would be defenseless if I was surrounded by all my bullies present at this party. I prayed to God that Rachel and Thomas hadn't found the nearest person to babble to about my presence, though I knew that Rachel wouldn't let something like that go easily and Abby wouldn't skip a chance at humiliating me.

I needed to find the boys and fast.

I saw Matt and asked him if he had seen any of the guys, surprisingly Matt was still sober. He told me he hadn't seen them before he shouted at a guy saying,"Hey! No drinks on the furniture!"

My palms felt sweaty again. It's okay, if I get surrounded I can try to defend myself, I thought. Oh I wished it wouldn't have to come to that.

I checked my surroundings one more time and rushed out of the building when the coast was clear. They had to be here somewhere. I can't believe Alexis let me walk away! He knows I could be in danger on my own.

At the back yard only a few people were there. I didn't notice the soft padding of feet nor did I notice the presence behind me and so when I turned and came face to face with Brandon, all I could do was scream, it was no use over the loud music, even the people at the back were too drunk to notice. My pulse quickened when he just stood there with an evil smile. "Well, well, well, what do we have here?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2022 ⏰

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