Chapter 10: Relax

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yo, gracias por la lectura "Soy NEGRO" chicos... así que no me copie esta, derechos de autor y está estrictamente mío... que tengas un buen día

(Yo thanks for reading "I Am BLACK" fellas... So don't copy this, this is copyrighted and is strictly mine... Have a nice day)

And so... (Drumrole) The language Alex speaks is... SPANISH!!!
congratulations to all those who guessed correctly...


"What do you mean there is no one called Scarlet Rogers here?! " my hand went to my thick Afro hair and began tugging, where could she be?

"Is anything the matter dear? " she placed an arm on my shoulder, I shook my head and gave her a weak smile. Tiredness must be showing through my feeble attempt to feel strong. I just wanted to sleep in a Jacuzzi with my favorite music on track, and never wake up again.

She nodded and I took shaky steps out of the room, my mind went to different scenarios of Scar getting hurt. I began chewing my thumb nail, something I never do.

I was only too anxious for my friend... My only friend. Thinking about what Mitch might do to her. I walked back to my locker thinking about all of that, until I heard

"- ¿qué pasa princesa?"

"What? " I asked, and turned to the only person I know that speaks like that

"I said, - ¿qué pasa princesa?"

"I know, I know, I'm not deaf" I muttered "what does it mean? "

"Oh," his eyes lit up. "what is the matter princess? " he smiled sheepishly

"You could have just said that, I don't speak what ever lang-"

"Spanish -"

"Spanish, like you do" I folded my arms, he chuckled

"I'm sorry, I keep forgetting. I'm so used to Spanish, its a miracle I learnt how to speak English so fast."he mused

"Its not a hard language." I paused, then thought for a bit about my English tests and exams, immediately I backtracked, "oh second thought, it kind of is."

He laughed heartily.

"So, you are good at both languages?"

"Yeah, sort of..." his eyes gleamed, and it told me otherwise. Of course he was trying not to brag. "I'm not so good in English, but I speak."

"I only know how to speak one language and thats English." I muttered, suddenly feeling envious of his language skills.

"That's not luck, I speak three languages. And I got a C in my English test." he puffed out his chest like superman, making me laugh. He looked cute.

"I can't believe you're actually proud of a C. Most people wouldn't be." I teased.

My side began throbbing, I hissed and placed a hand there. I remembered how Brandon had cut me. It made my eyes water. Even though I had been physically drained I made sure I stayed emotionally strong.

I had to.

"Yo Alex! " A voice said, a boy with brown hair and dark brown eyes ran towards us, it was Jordan. Kenneth trailed behind him.

"Hi Hannah"

I gave a slight nod.

"Where were you!?" Jordan whispered harshly, but I wouldn't call it a whisper since I could hear them clearly.

"Yo estaba buscando su nitwit! " Alex whispered back

"I can't believe you left us waiting that long. Kenneth is going to beat the hell out of you for making him wait."

"Let's not discuss this now, Jordan " Alexis whined

"Whatever, let's go" Jordan sighed, looking visibly tired of Alexis

"Hey, Hannah, wanna tag along? " Alexis wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, grinning like a cashmere cat.

"I don't -"

"Great! " he exclaimed

Before I knew it, I was being tugged by a happy Alexis andI couldn't say no. "oh, and Hannah? "


              "Relax" he winked. And again, I was being read like an open book. Jordan, Alexis, Kenneth and I went to eat at a restaurant. Kenneth paid for all of us. I just had a burger and sonly. The guys had spaghetti.

I was still thinking about scar and how I'm going to face every one at school tomorrow. I didn't even want to go 'home' to Mordy and his roommates.
I sighed and finished my drink. The boys finished eating and Kenneth paid the lady who gave us food.

"Where do you live Hannah? " Jordan asked as we went out of the restaurant to the car.

A Bugatti veyron.

I blinked.

"Whose car is this? " I stuttered out.

"Oh, you mean this baby? " Jordan rubbed his car affectionately "this is Speed"

I snorted "who in their right mind would name their car speed? "

Jordan feigned hurt "you hurt my feelings Hanny"

"Hanny?! " Alexis and Kenneth said in unison

"Yes, Hanny. Its our thing" he wrapped his arm around my shoulder

"We don't have a thing Hannah, why is that? " Alexis asked, looking disappointed

"Well I uh-"

"-from here on out I'll find us a thing! " he declared

Kenneth rolled his eyes

"Come on guys, its almost dinner time. Alex, you know how your mom is with her... Dinner" Kenneth shuddered, visibly.

"Hey! Her foods are great! " Alex defended

Jordan chuckled "come on guys " he hopped in the drivers seat. Kenneth took shot gun and Alex and I took the seats at the back.

Jordan started the car and left the restaurant "Hannah, where do you live? " Jordan asked

Where do I live? I really don't see the place I stay with Mordy as home. Its more like a hell hole. Heck, if I had the opportunity to leave, I would. I gave Jordan the address and he took me home.

"See you later Hannah! "Alex yelled

"Yeah, bye Hanny! "Jordan hollered

I waved "bye you guys! "When their car was out of view, I took a deep breath and willed myself to open the door.

I opened it and saw the guys playing video games in the living room, I didn't make myself known, I just walked to my room-I mean, Pedro's room.

I dumped my bag on the floor and tried calling Scar some more times, but it was switched off. My thoughts were all over the place. I sniffed, just realizing that I was crying. If I hadn't gotten Scar involved she would have been okay.

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