Chapter 4 : Wet cake

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Chapter 4: Wet cake.

Grunting, I walked towards my locker, squeezing myself through the mass of bodies. The previous class was eventful, I think.

When the bell rang, Abby turned sharply at me, her bright hazel eyes gleaming with hatred. "You just got here." She spat, "don't think you can come in here and can't like you own the place. You're not as smart as you think you are, stay out of my way." She said to me, finally snapping her pencil in half with her right hand.

I was dumbstruck.

"Ah... I'm sorry, I didn't know I-" I fumbled with my words yet she rudely interrupted me.

"Save your apology." She said angrily and stormed off, leaving me feeling guilty for reasons I knew nothing about.

My mind was completely occupied with what occurred moments before that I failed to watch where I was going. I ran into someone and lost my footing, landing not so gracefully on my butt.


I grimaced and looked up to see who I had run into, but the light from the hallways shone bright, preventing me from seeing the face of the person in front of me. Shielding my eyes with my hand didn't help me see the persons face. I tried pulling myself up, half expecting to be offered a hand while I struggled to get back up, but I was greatly disappointed.

Once I was up, I came face to face with a tall, chubby, blonde boy, with vibrant green eyes. Who knew green eyes were this beautiful?

"Can't you fucking watch where you are going?" He said.

" I uh sorry, I wasn't looking " I blushed deeply, stumbling over my words.

He looked irritated, "you're in my way, move."

I still stood in place, creases formed on my forehead as a frown made its way to my face. There was no need for him to be so rude.

"Goddammit." he cursed and forcefully pushed me away.

I stumbled to the side, managing to catch myself before I hit the floor, face first. I blew out air from my nostrils, anger clouding my mind as i looked at his retreating figure moving down the hallway.

I went to my locker and switched text books, then I looked over at my schedule after I had safely tucked my books inside my bag. I had English next.

And I had absolutely no idea where it was at.

Just great.

The bell went off, with me standing there like an airhead...I knew absolutely no body. Well, except from the rude girl who spoke to me while I was with Principal Cuffman earlier.

What could go wrong when you're about to ask for help from a girl who ridiculed you hours before?

'Fuck it.' I thought and walked up to her and her friends. She was the only one I knew and my only hope to getting to my next class.

"Hi." I said, fumbling with the strap of my bag. She turned to look at me, a smirk formed on her thin lips. "I'm having English next and I don't know where it is. Can you show me?"

"Oh hey black girl! "She greeted and snatched the schedule from my hands. "mm, yes I know where your next class is." she intertwined our fingers and pulled me along, her group of friends gave me a look that said 'ew' which I simply ignored until my eyes met with Abby's. If looks could kill...

Her brown locks was tied neatly behind her and I could see some faded freckles that I had failed to notice earlier. She also had cat-eye shaped glasses on her face. Who knew someone could look even meaner with glasses on?

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