Chapter 8:Another day in hell

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I'm going to school... Yip the doo!
Another wonderful day to get laughed at and bullied for being different. Bullied for being unique, bullied for being me.

Maybe I won't be me, maybe I'll act like someone I'm not. Maybe if I change they'll stop. Since a week of going to Empires high, it has been hell. The first time I was punched I went home with a huge bruise. I just don't understand why I am being bullied. But it doesn't stop there, oh no.

Today I walked to school wearing a grey hoodie and blue skinny jeans. The hoodie covered my face, hoping not to be seen. But people get joy in my misery. I stuffed by hands in my pocket as I slung my brown bag around my shoulder. Keeping my head down and passing through the mass of people who keep laughing and telling jokes. Making me wish I was accepted.

After my fourth period, Scar and I walked together. Some boys walked at the front of us, as we passed them a brunette hit my shoulder making me stumble forward, Scar turned and bit her lip trying to stop a cuss, but it wasn't working she talked anyway. "What do you want Mitch? " she spat. The agitation clear on her face.

"Aw, is she your savior Hannah? " Mitch mocked directing his attention to me

"N-no, I can defend my self! " I bit back, Mitch chuckled and nodded at his boys. They cracked their knuckles and necks while displaying a malicious smirk that I so badly wanted to wipe of their faces.

"Oh yeah? " a black haired boy said, he didn't let me answer that. He gave me a punch straight to my gut. I groaned and held my tummy.

"Asshole! I'll hurt you so bad that your unborn children will feel it! " Scar Screeched, she pounced on Mitch, dragging him by his brown curly hair.
              "get her off, she's crazy! " Mitch screamed as she clawed his face with her crimson colored nails, baring her teeth like a wild dog.

The black haired boy rushed to Mitch's Aid, holding Scar off him. She yelled and he pinned her to the locker, slamming her hard. She was wiggling and cursing the boy who she called Brandon. His hold was strong if Scar couldn't break through. He drew her back and slammed her, face first to the locker again.

Mitch got up with scratches all over this face as he wiped a bloodied nose. A blonde boy who he addressed as Thomas held me with my arm behind my back, I struggled to get free, but he pulled my hair... Hard. Scar hit Brandon where the sun doesn't shine, he grunted and laid on the floor holding his family.

Mitch saw and hit her face and it whipped to the side, she yelled and pounced on him scratching and punching. She even got him a black eye in the end. By this time, we were surrounded by quarter of the school. Scar was feared for her looks, she didn't get bullied. I couldn't help but feel it was my fault she was getting hurt.

Mitch then caught Scars hand right before she wanted to give him another black eye. He took her arm behind her back and drew her hair, his mouth was in her ear whispering to her
"You son of a -" she started but ended with a scream

"Uh-uh-uh" Said Mitch, he threatened to break her arm. Brandon got up and walked towards me, I quivered expecting a punch but it never came.

"Kitten, hurting you won't satisfy me, so... " he picked me up and placed me on his shoulder, I yelled and began punching, begging for help. But no one came. They only laughed and continued their recording.

"What do you say? Let's teach this black piece of shit a lesson! " Brandon yelled and others applauded, following behind him quickly as I struggled on his hold.

We got to the pool area and my eyes were beyond large. Last time they  did this I was at the edge of the pool when Rachel pushed me, so I was able to get out. I was never a fan of water, still not.

When I saw this I began thrashing ruthlessly. Brandon only chuckled. "Yo!who has scissors? "


"Oh, I have one. " said the devil and her spawns. Rachel. She came with a scissors and handed it to him, she walked back to the mass of People.

"Wh-what are you doing? -Brandon! Brandon! Stop! "

He took the scissors and began to cut my grey hoodie, I struggled on his hold and he cut my flesh making me scream in agony as my eyes watered. I couldn't tell if he meant to cut me or not, he roughly held my face, making me look him in his dark brown eyes that I've grown to hate.

Brown was officially my worst color.

"Move an inch, Kitten, and I will make you bleed" he said so only I could hear. My eyes were red and my breath labored. I was trying hard not to start crying, but the tears wouldn't stop flowing. My side burned from the cut. But the didn't stop there, oh no.
He completely ruined my hoodie, pinning me to the floor with his strong body.

I began sobbing and begging, but they all thought it was pathetic. Mitchell still held Scar, she stood as still as a statue not wanting a broken arm. But that didn't stop the curses from flying out of her mouth like bullets.

I luckily wore an inner orange tank top.

I curled up in a ball, wallowing in self pity. Scar kept cursing Mitch, he got tired and agitated saying she had a big mouth and had to go to sleep. Scar did not understand what he meant by "go to sleep". Before she could question him, he knocked her head on the nearest wall. Students gasped, I screamed.

She fell limp in Mitch's arms as blood oozed from her head. I screamed hysterically as I jumped to my feet ignoring the stinging sensation on my side.

I saw more streaks of her brown hair become a darker shade of red. I prayed I was only seeing her red hair dye. But of course it wasn't dye. It was blood.
Mitch caught her before she hit the ground. He got some blood stain on his arm. No body went to help. They just kept watching.

Before I could reach Scar, Brandon yanked me back. Thomas went with Mitch as they carried Scar away from the pool area as blood trailed behind them.

I screamed and kicked Brandon. Worrying about my friend, my only friend. I wanted to know if she was okay. She couldn't be okay with that much blood loss.

"Let me go! She is bleeding! Why can't you help her! " I yelled as tears stained my cheek. My eyes were red from crying. They lost their warm chocolate glow. They looked dull and lifeless.

Brandon only ignored and pushed me in the pool, my body collided with the water. As it hit my skin, it felt like the air was knocked out of me. Because of being pushed without warning, in my attempt to take in air, I took a mouth full of water down my throat. He pushed me in the deeper side, my lack of swimming skills made me look like a dying fish. Students only laughed, thinking I was a drama queen, and that I wasn't really drowning. But what they didn't know was that this selfish act of theirs could cost me my life.

Hey yo! Can't wait to introduce new characters... Bye.


Veronica 💖

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