Chapter 13: Some Big Brother You Are

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Song for the chapter - I'm a Mess (Bebe rexha)
I stirred and my eyes fluttered open, meeting the light rays of the sun. What day was it? I blinked rapidly and yawned. The pillow felt like a warm yet strong surface. When my eyes cleared I was met with a chest. I sprung of the bed landing on the floor with a thud. The person got up and yawned
"Hannah?... " the voice slurred, a half sleepy Ashton was facing me with his upper body exposed.

What the...?

His chest was defined, yet broad. His eyes cleared and when he saw me clearly he smiled. I glared.

Oh, so we are acting like that eh?

"Why am I here?" I muttered coldly

"You passed out so-"

"Is it not because of you?" I glared, unable to hide my displeasure. I was just so mad. Profanities of curses went through my head. But my mom liked me prim and proper therefore I did not speak pidgin when I was in Africa, if she caught me it was off with my head. Although having a friend such as Dami rub off on you, you tend to speak it once in a while...

Who was I kidding? When I was out with my friends I spoke pidgin like and area girl. But when I was home I was a daddy's girl.

"Look, I was going to say-" he started

"Say what?! Say what?! abeg hold am! Don't tell me anything"

Aw to hell with prim and proper mom. I was going Area girl on this nigger.

"What? I don't under-"

"Don't understand? Well, let me make it simple. Go hell, go rot, devils spawn." I spat bitterly, pretty aware that Ashton, THE Ashton Kriss could end my life right there.

He blinked.

"Could you just listen! " he gritted

"Listen to what? About how you will end my life if I dare talk back at you?! Do you know where I'm from! " I exclaimed "I'm not afraid of you Kriss!"

Lies, lies, lies, why do you lie?

His eyes grew hard "fine, get out" he glared, I cocked my head to the side

"Eh? "

"I said get out! " he yelled to my face, I jumped up, literally, like my pants were on fire. I walked up to the door feeling his hot stare at the back of my head. Without another word I left his room. His house was a few blocks away from mine.

I reached the door step and twisted the knob, no body was in the living room, so I went to have something to eat. I was met with five guys looking at me, folding their arms and glaring.

"Hey... Guys " I waved my hands awkwardly, Pedro spoke first, or should I say yelled?

"Where the hell have you been Hannah?!"

"Uh... "

"Do you know how much we looked for you!? All night! We looked for you all night! -"

"But, I-I'm okay-" I stuttered

"Oh, you're okay " he rose his arm above his head in disbelief and then hit the cabinet beside him "Why the heck didn't you call Mordecai if you were fucking staying out! "

"I didn't know I'd be staying out... It was unexpected " I said, the last three words below a whisper, but of course Pedro would hear

"Unexpected? What did you do all night? Do you have a b-"

"NO! " I exclaimed "I mean, even if I did e concern you? its my life Pedro, not yours and why do you all care all of a sudden? " I looked at the five boys. Of all of them Mordecai was the reddest. That's what happens when he's trying not to show his anger.

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