Chapter 27 : You Are Just Deceiving Yourself

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Ronnie's Note

Hello everyone. I have a suggestion for you all. I have found out that I am a perfectionist in writing and I want everything to be perfect, no mistakes or typos whatsoever. But I also found out that I've been busy and alot of time has been put on this particular book when I'm free. I have not updated my other books in a while and I don't think its fair to the books or the readers (silent ones). My suggestion is that I update twice a week ; in doing so there might be errors here and there (which I will most definitely hate) or I update once a week or once in two weeks therefore I can present to you an error free chapter?

I still have problems with network and my account so this is my only means of communicating with you all for the now. I hope you all understand and bare with me.

My suggestion is taking place as of next week and please, even if you are a silent reader I have to get a feedback on this so I can plan it out. Thank you.


" oh my fuck! Water! " Jordan yelled

Alexis snickered, "here have this Coke"

Jordan shot Alexis a glare but took the coke anyway, drinking it down swiftly. In approximately 2.8 seconds Jordan began screaming again, flinging the coke across the street.

"You are thirsty and you are drinking Mineral, you are just deceiving yourself " I scowled.

Jordan glared at me while Alexis made sounds, trying to suppress his laughter, "shut up, Hannah" Jordan told me

I shrugged, snickering myself at Jordan's face. Kenneth on the other hand stared at us like we were dropped on our heads as babies.

"You're the one who decided we go for a run in four in the freaking morning you coño " Alexis Crackled

Jordan then became red. I thought it was cute and I was going to help Alexis by making Jordan uncomfortable. "Jordan dey blush o! Aw, you're so cute! " I cooed and grabbed Jordan's hot cheek in my hands.

Jordan swatted my hand away and glared at Alexis. Alexis was now laying on the Asphalt road literally crying because he was laughing at Jordan. I began laughing too and fell on Alexis.

Jordan's face was red, he marched up to Alexis and kicked him in the balls.

Alexis gasped as if all the air had been taken out of him. He began cursing profanities of words in a strong Spanish accent, so fast and heavy. He then groaned and cursed again while muttering Jordan's name a lot.

Jordan chuckled at Alexis suffering. Kenneth stared at Alexis with a shit eating grin. While I thought of a way to get Jordan back for waking me up so early to Jog.

At four AM in the morning.

Maybe I should use him to make pepper soup.


Snap. Snap. Snap.

His hands moved from my waist upward. Trapping me with him. My eyes were large and my thoughts were going haywire. His breath fanned my neck and I squeezed my eyes shut.

He nibbled on my ear lobe then rose my top above my head. When I fought, he punched me so hard I stayed still for two minutes, trying to process. I didn't even know where hurt.

I opened my eyes gasping.

We had bunked in Alexis house because my brother won't be okay with me bringing home three guys, we didn't say at Kenneth's because he blatantly said no and we didn't stay at Jordan's because he didn't want to face his dad.

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