Chapter 35: Your Time Starts Now

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I looked out my bedroom window and breathed in the fresh morning air. Dew was still around and the outside looked smokey. I was rather excited about tomorrow. Thinking about good thoughts like how I was going to enjoy myself and ignore every other person there. Even I knew that Rachel and her Posse will be seen there. I just knew it.

But it was better as I knew right?

Because it wouldn't come up like a surprise when I see her but she'd be shocked when she sees me.

When the sun was beginning to rise slowly over the horizon, I willed myself to get up and get ready. Today I packed my hair with a cute pink band. I had put on a grey T-shirt with black joggers. By the time I was done I still had plenty of time so I chose to go down and make a quick meal.

I had recently gotten some plantain in the house, so I picked up a knife and a nice round bowl. I walked to the sink and rinsed my hands before slicing the plantain into fine oval shapes. In case any of the boys chose to eat, I made the plantain a bit much.

Then I took out a pan and poured some oil in it. Leaving the oil on the fire, I waited for it to get hot mean while I sprinkled a bit of salt on the plantain before applying the sliced plantain on the fire.

This was where it got tricky.

I didn't want hot oil burning my flesh so anytime I put the plantain in the pan and it made a hissing sound, I always jumped backwards.

Gabriel walked into the kitchen, shirtless and in boxers.

I gave him a sideways glance before greeting. "Good morning." I said. He replied with a nod. "What are you cooking?," he got a whiff of the air before he peered over my shoulder. His breath was hot and I found it annoying.

I jerked him off with my left shoulder, letting him know that he was invading my personal space.

He grinned.

"That looks nice. What's it called?" He said.

I stared at him open mouthed. He didn't -he couldn't -he wouldn't -he...
He kept looking at he expectantly and I kept looking at him, waiting for him to smile and say it was a joke. But he really didn't know it.

Father lord...

"This, " I pointed the spatula I was holding at the plantain on the fire, "is Dodo. " I told him.

He stared at the plantain.

Which stared back at him.

I smacked my hand on my head. "When we fry plantain, where I come from, it is called Dodo. "

He nodded slowly, telling me he was understanding. I smiled. "Good. So I'm frying Dodo. Will you eat?"

He nodded again. I gave him a single firm nod then I went back to frying while he stood and silently watched me.

When it was done I grabbed some and stuffed them in a rectangular plastic take-away plate and put them in my bag, while holding three in my hands and two in my mouth. Mordecai ran out quickly, looking flustered. He was in dark brown jeans that had yet to be buckled and his belt was loose. "Oh shit, Hannah" he said, "I'm so sorry, I overslept."

I laughed, "don't worry e. Jordan is picking me up" and on cue, Pedro walked in. Mordecai had a crease between his eyebrows.

     "Who's Jordan?"


"You broke his nose. Remember?" I folded my arms. My eyebrows were raised high up on my face. He winced.

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