Chapter 12 : Loving his warmth

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Hi guys, I wrote this chapter 2 times before and it deleted, I was so mad and frustrated and I wanted to give a pause on writing, they all disappeared and refused to save and now today!!! They all came back! And I used that as an opportunity to reedit the chapter and merge all the chapters together and make chapter 12 lovely!!

Thank you and enjoy.

I made my way towards the detention class. Passing through the crowd of loud students. I arrived at the class room, standing right outside, fiddling with my hands and debating if I should flunk. After 2 minutes of debating, my sweaty hands found their way to the door knob and twisted it open.

Ashton was already sited, his piercing green eyes found mine. I sat at the far end of the class, he was three seats away from me at the back. I bit in my cheek, feeling his heated stare at the side of my face. Mrs May entered the class, her old transparent grey eyes were calculative, giving me the chills.

The moment you wish for the time to be over when you can't stand an annoying teacher. Without a word she left the class. Ashton didn't stop staring, it made me self conscious and scared. Self conscious because I was always told I was not pretty ever since I came here, and that I and my entire races were abomination, and that light over shadows darkness and therefore the whites are more superior to blacks. I didn't know what to believe anymore.

Stupid? I know. And what was even more stupider was that it came From Rachel Taner.

The only thing I knew was that I hated myself. If I wasn't so black I wouldn't be bullied.

Ashton got up, making my breathing hitch. He strode towards me confidently, never removing his eyes from my face. He sat by my side, holding a malicious smirk. I saw his green eyes up close, they were twinkling from the way the sun reflected on them. It was a beautiful color, and it already became my favorite. I remember the first time I saw it, I immediately loved them. But I didn't love the person who owned them. His heart was blacker than my complexion.

"I thought you got the message Hannah, we don't want you in this school. We are and always will be superior. You are nothing but a pathetic coward, who runs behind her friend for help, where is she now? Did she abandon you because she has finally realized what a worthless shit you are? " he chuckled, tears stung my eyes. I clenched my fists muttering unheard words in attempt to control my emotions.

He's words affected me. And it was showing. What they thought of me mattered, I really was no body, and I lost my only friend. I glared at him through watery eyes, looking at the monster with the prettiest shade of green eyes I had ever seen.

"What? Cat got your tongue?" he taunted, grinning "why don't you do us a favor and get out of our school? Why don't you wipe your own existence with your own hands? No body would care, no body loves you hannah, do us all a favor and leave." he smirked, his hot breath was fanning my ear, I shut my eyes tight, clenching my teeth.

He was already behind me, I could feel his smirk at the back of my head.

"I-its not true, you -you're a liar! " I exclaimed, Trying to steady my uneven breathing. I could feel his gaze on my face

"come on Hannah, you know its true, you are disgusting " he grabbed my arm, making me gasp. I fought to remove my arm from his hold, but he twisted it. Unshed tears blurred my vision as I winced, pain etched my face.

I frowned and spat on his face. It took him 3secs to come out of shock, and when he did his face hardened. His arms went to my neck, chocking me. He pushed me to the floor making the chairs around us screech as they moved from the way my body connected with them. I coughed as I held my neck gently. He stalked towards me and grabbed me by my neck again, this time he did not let go. He squeezed tighter "S-ss-sto-op "I wheezed, he chuckled "did you say something Hannah? " he removed his arms from my neck and punched me in the gut, making me bend over. I brought an arm to my mouth holding in a scream.

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