Chapter 20 :shit just went down

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Dedicated to daniel_erik

Scarlet walked out of the class in haste and the class hadn't even started yet. She bumped into someone making a piece of paper hall from her hand unto the floor. I hurried after her but she ignored me. Bending to pick the paper, I wondered what she was writing, but sadly the teacher came and I had to listen.

After school I declined hanging out with the boys or a ride home from anybody. I also avoided a confrontation from Rachel, even a toad knows she wouldn't let me go so easily. Plopping on my bed, I searched my bag for the paper. I was shocked, honestly, I didn't know Scarlet had a talent to draw Or if she could.

I raised a brow, I for one was confused. It seemed like a water drop surrounded by flames. I was also impressed.

Is it possible for someone to feel so much emotion in one piece of paper? What was the drawing trying to say? Scarlet was my friend. I must have hurt her unknowingly, maybe that's why she's ignoring me. I wanted our friendship to last, to go on, that's why I would find her and confront her. Its eating me on the inside anytime I see her passing by looking broken, I wanted to help, but she wouldn't let me.

The next day I spotted scar in the library. She didn't strike me as someone who reads at her free time. She was writing on a red journal. Oh, so that's were the secrets are eh? I made a decision, it wasn't very smart, nor did I know how I'd do it. But I needed to get my hands on that journal. Maybe a clue was in there. This was the 21st century, who wrote secrets on a book anymore? Sadly, it wouldn't hurt to try.

She couldn't possibly have been studying, why? Because I don't see any note books. Or text books. So journal it is. I just needed some crazy help.

"Guys please! " I begged

"Why should we help? " Alexis shrugged.

Honestly, I thought he'd be the first to crack up. But he was acting tougher. I looked at Jordan "Jordy, please? "

He bit his lip and begged Alexis with his eyes.

"Kenneth? "

Kenneth gave me a dead stare. They really weren't going to help without me giving them a reason to. With a frustrated sigh I spoke "I think the reason why Scarlet is avoiding me is in her red journal", when there was silence I continued "I need to know why, something tells me she was forced to ignore me, or not talk to me at all. And I want to know why"

"How are you so sure, I mean it could be something else in there" Alexis spoke.

"She's not so sure" Jordan answered

"I'm not, I just have to know okay? I have a feeling and I can't sleep knowing there's an answer some where. What if it's something useful? I don't know, but I want to know"

They nodded, "so, will you help? "

You are all wondering how I ended up here, let's rewind shall we?

After exiting the library early in the morning, I realized that I would need help in "borrowing" Scarlets journal. I was going nuts just thinking about it all. I gathered the boys around during break time and here we were, discussing on how to "borrow" her journal without her suspecting it was me. Now that I had them in, what could we do?

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