Chapter 23 : His Feelings

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My chapters are short yes, but this is a short story. For the sake of my lovely readers I will try to increase the length so I won't be a bad person and leave you all in frustration.

Much love,


His sheets were messy and his bed was undressed. His clothes were everywhere and he had a smashed mirror. I didn't miss the blood though, blood.

It makes me nauseous. Ever since the incident with Mitchell and the others. And Scarlet.

I walked to his shelf. A big book with little blood stains caught my attention quickly. The book seemed to have been years old. It even carried that weird yet satisfying smell old books seemed to give. Why was there blood everywhere? I opened the book a page had a faded smudge of what looked like blood and the first words I saw were;

Hidden Feelings.

I snickered.

Was he working on a novel? My shaky hands took the book and almost dropped it, wow, it was heavy. I knew I was snooping that was why my heart was beating erratically against my chest. Maybe he could leap out any moment. I craned my neck to listen to any sound just in case. But I didn't hear a thing. Then I sat on his bed and opened the first page.

Date :

Its freshman year and patty and I couldn't be more excited.
She looked as beautiful as always and we had a few classes together. My friends said we looked so cute together, but I never liked patty like that.

Oh... A diary. Maybe this would tell me what was wrong with him. I hoped.  Quickly, I slipped the book into my bag and checked through his dresser and wardrobe, underneath his pillows and bed spread. I even checked his cupboard and saw some pills. I was being extremely paranoid. When I thought I heard foot steps I froze. Holding my breath, I tip toed to the door and listened. Clear. My strides were quick as I exited his bedroom, like Kenneth could pop out any moment and decide to have my head. Yes, he was that scary.

After a 30 minutes walk to my house –yes I began to feel more at home here– I shouted "I'm back! " at the top of my voice and rushed to my new room. It was nice of Pedro to leave his room for me. I guess the guilt was eating him alive. Good. The guilt should chop him raw.

I knocked my shoes off and brought out the big brown book. A voice seemed to sing in my head; you're so dead, you're so dead. Who minds stupid voices anyway? Sitting cross legged, I opened the second page

Date : patty's day!

It was patty's birthday and I got her a puppy, a cute German shepherd. I remembered how she gushed about how cute their puppies were and was extremely happy when she saw it.

She named it Ketty. And I couldn't be more happy.

Ketty hm.  Alright. Feeling my brows raise I flipped some more pages and finally stopped. Was it just me because I never pegged Kenneth as the dairy type.

Date :January 3rd 2016

Its sophomore year and Patty and I became official, I love her so much. She agreed to become my girlfriend and I couldn't believe it took me so long to see that I loved her, and she loved me too.

Date :

He came,

Why did he come?

He couldn't stand to see me happy.

He drove Patty away from the house and hit me. He said I shouldn't be loved.

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