Chapter 36: No Alcohol

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"Guys," I put my palm over my mouth, my eyes began to water as I stared at the beautiful shoes that was presented to me. "This is so pretty."

The shoe was a greyish Nike shoe with a few streaks of white above and below it and the brand name encrusted near what seemed to be the buckle of the shoe. The shoe literally glowed and it looked expensive. Really, really expensive.

Jordan grinned.

"Who's idea was this?"

Jordan shrugged. "Do you really want to know that?" I nodded vigorously. He flicked his tongue. "It was me."

I couldn't help the smile that spread over my lips. "I had a feeling".

Alexis jumped right in front of my face, "oh, oh I have a present for you too!" He said giddily. Then he brought out a silver bracelet that had little diamonds around it. He wore the exact same thing, along with Jordan and Kenneth.

If that shoe didn't want to make me cry before then this definitely would. It felt special. I tenderly took the bracelet, it shone in the sun. I didn't know what to say so I just stared at it. Then I stared at them. "You guys... " I didn't need to say more before Jordan pulled me into a group hug. Tears stained Jordan's clearly expensive shirt, but those were happy tears so he should be grateful. Because my Hanny-Tears were priceless.

"Tears? Really?"

"Shut up." I murmured into his Hanny-blessed shirt.

My tears blessed him.

He chuckled then we pulled apart. I moved my rapidly growing hair out of my eyes. "Is there anyway I can tell you guys that I can't make it to that party?"

"Nope" they both chorused, walking away. I looked to the sky for help. These boys were going to kill me.

"But... Wait!" I ran after them. I still had a few hours to give a perfect excuse to escape that party. I wasn't giving up just yet.


Two hours to the party and I was clueless on what I was going to wear.

I had just one person to call when it came to an emergency.

"Dami!" I screamed over the phone, "there is a crisis! I am going to die! I can't do it, I can't! I need help. You have to help me. This is a situation of life and death!"

She was probably sleeping when I called with my voice blaring through the phone. "What? What is it? Are you alright?" She spoke up. All traces of sleep gone from her tone.

"NO!" I screamed again. "I am the opposite of alright. I'm all wrong! If I don't make it the boys will probably hate me for the rest of my life and I'll probably give Kenneth more reason to hate me and I don't want to admit it but I'm scared and—"

"You're doing the 'and' thing again," her voice cut through the phone like a sharp razor. "Now, calm down and tell me what happened, slowly".

I breathed in. "I am going to a party here, for the first time, and I don't know what to wear."

The line was silent.

Then more silence..

And more...

"Are you MAD?! " She freaked.

I opened my mouth to retort but she continued. Obviously enraged. "You woke me up in the middle of the night to tell me that you don't know what to wear?! Who does that!"

Since I knew Dami, I knew that she loved her sleep. But at the time, I forgot. I was overwhelmed with guilt.

My mouth opened to give an automatic apology, but she still went on and on, not even caring if she woke her parents up. "You have got to be kidding me, like seriously? Wear some sweats or something!"

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