Chapter 24 : Didn't I Warn You?

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The boys and I met at the parking lot early in the morning before school began, I kept stretching my neck for any signs of Kenneth. What if he noticed the book was missing?! What if he knew I took it? Alexis gave me a nudge "why are you thinking so much? Haven't you learnt anything from me? "

I jerked my head and blinked "uh... "

"You don't think, you do. "He finished, grinning.

"Yeah, Hanny. Is this about Ken? "

Sighing, I shook my head. I couldn't tell them about what I did, what if they think I'm too nosy? Jordan smiled "alright, let's go"

We walked in the hallways together as Alexis told hilarious jokes. My smile was wide as I laughed so hard, earning weird looks from people. Chuckling, I decided to say something also, when I told the joke I didn't really expect them to laugh.

Alexis and Jordan burst out laughing and I chuckled, "Oh damn." Jordan wheezed In disbelief

"I didn't know Nigerians were so funny"

I shrugged "eh, we don't even try. Its part of us. "

Alexis chuckled "well, Here's your stop"

We had already arrived at my class, Art. Waving the boys goodbye I walked in and saw Kenneth already seated, taking in a deep breath, I took a seat by him. I felt him stiffen beside me and I took in his appearance. My heart broke at the sight of him.

Deep sunken eyes, once pinkish lips had a cut and it was pale. His dark brown hair was in disarray yet it still looked good on him. He was absentmindedly toying with his paint brush, lost in his own world. He reeked of alcohol and cigarette, once cold green eyes went dead of any emotion. Suddenly I wanted him to show signs of anything... Anger? Irritation? Loath?

I wanted Kenneth to show any emotion. His dead stare made it seem like he had given up, on everything. I was sure he wasn't aware I was looking at him. Call it creepy, but he worried me. Even after everything he did, every way he talked to me, ignored me... Even after that. I turned a blind eye and tried to think of the good thing he did for me. He saved me. I needed to save him too.

"Hi" I waved pathetically. His head snapped towards me, once empty eyes held hate. So much hate.

"Get out" he murmured, directing everything at me. He stared at me so hard I was sure I would pee myself.

"What? "

"You heard me, get out. " he said again. Clutching the table.

"This seat is free for anyone " I stated, lifting my chin "so I can seat here if I want "

"Don't make this harder Hannah. If you don't leave me alone I will make your life hell. It will hurt to breathe. You wouldn't want to feel, you will want death, but it won't come. Your suffering will be my fuel, Hannah. I will destroy you and make you hate everything around you. I will kill anything that gives you joy, I will make sure school will be hotter than hell and if you know what is good for you Hannah, you will stay the hell away from me or else you will fall. A fall so deep you will never be able to crawl out of, a fall so suffocating you would fight for every breath, a fall so painful that even the air will hurt. A fall so bad you'd wish you were dirt. " his pupils dilated, his cigarette breath fanned my face. The person I wanted to save was who I wanted to run away from.

"K-kenneth I'm only trying to help, I-"

"Don't help me! " he screamed, causing heads to turn towards us. "I don't need your help, stay away from me. Don't breathe near me, don't laugh near me, don't talk near me don't even walk near me, Damnit! "

He grabbed my shoulder, squeezing painfully. When I looked into his eyes they were crazed. Despair was written in his features. " stay away from me, please "

I nodded silently, trying to understand him. How could I understand someone who didn't want to be understood?

Art class went by in silence. I had a hard time paying attention with Kenneth sitting there. It felt as if I could feel every breath that passed through his lip. The hour went by perfectly horrifyingly slow, with me thinking about Kenneth's threats. He helped me, why would he hurt me?

The bell rang and he dashed out, with me hot on his trail. Bad boy Kenneth Wayne was being unpredictable. He walked through the west wing of Empires High, clutching his rucksack by his side. His tall frame hunched as he quickly walked by, the students were bumping into me almost making me loose him countless times. He took a left into a hall way with lesser people, who were doing dirty. Let's skip that part. Then he took the stairs at the right, leading down to the basement. I made sure he didn't know I was following, with my tiger feet, he wouldn't hear me coming even if I was running.

He went in and I followed suit thinking, Nawa oh, where is this one going na?, he stopped.

I froze.

The dim light showed his frame perfectly. He turned his face to the left and said, "I know you have been following me, Hannah. Didn't I warn you? "

His smile was anything but sincere. He was mad. And I knew it.


Bravo every one!

What did you think about Kenneth?

What about Alexis?


Happy Easter!!! 💖

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