Chapter 34: Confession Nîght

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"I don't have what to wear ooo!" I tried to tell Alexis again. It was Wednesday evening, right after school closed. Though I wasn't planning on backing out but this party was full of other rich kids right? So it was probably going to be a hell of a night.

He turned to face me. "You don't need to dress extreme. They are people just like you"

            "But what will they think if I'm there? What if Rachel and her Demon sisters are there too? What then? You guys can't protect me through the night." I played with my fingers absent mindedly.

"Nothing will happen. We'll make sure of it" he tried to assure me. Key word ; tried.  " and the both of you are going to do what? Stand by my side like body guards? No. You wont. " I argued back. He looked perplexed.

"What makes you think we won't, Princessa?"

     "Oh, so its Princessa now eh? No more HanHan?"

"Of course there's still HanHan" he looked at me with a smile. "Its our thing. Remember? "

"Oh, how could I forget?" I said dryly. He gave me a coy smile. He then told me to lighten up and that I'll have a good time. I honestly hoped he was right. It was Friday night right? The day couldn't just go by so fast that we'd end up in Friday just now. I nodded at him then the both of us went our separate ways.
      Mordecai was picking me up today. I spotted his shiny red highlander next to a blood red motor cycle that looked oddly familiar. I tried not to think much about it. Then I walked fast and got in the car. He told me hi and I said it back. The engine growled to life as he put the key in the hole. We went home in silence but there wasn't any tension. Just the calm relaxing silence that I had been looking for all day. He stopped in front of the pavement and parked his car. I hopped out then I swung my brown rucksack over my shoulder. We walked over to the house still in silence.

Mordecai opened the door and walked straight into the kitchen. The rooms  were after the living room so I saw Pedro, Levi and Kevin on the floor playing Solitaire. I greeted them and walked into my room.

Once in, I dumped my bag. After changing into an oversized hoodie with bum shorts, I settled to do some home work. I barely finished one work before I started to loose interest and my concentration. Just staring at the big textbooks drove me on the edge. What was wrong with me? I liked books. My life revolved around books. I even breathed books.

Frustration built within me. Was I getting dull? I could hardly concentrate in school. Now worse than ever. But what was the difference? Back there it was the same thing. What difference did it make here?

But there was a difference. There wasn't any other way to call bullying and bullying was bullying. But there was a difference. Back there a could breathe. Here I felt suffocated and I didn't know why.

I passed my hands through my face as I stared at my scattered books. "You know this," I told myself. "You can do this" Because this wasn't even work. I did far more reading that this in Nigeria

But even those words weren't enough to assure me. Maybe I was thinking too much. Maybe I needed to do other things apart from thinking. I slammed my books shut and uncrossed my legs. Then I got up and made my way to the living room where all five boys were sprawled in.

I got their attention quickly. I then sat down and crossed my legs again while looking at them expectantly. They all looked tired and most of all bored. I did not come over to be eaten alive by boredom.
       "So, what's up?" I said

"Nothing" Levi groaned. "I'm so bored. Maybe I should sleep" he giggled.

"I thought you guys were playing Solitaire?"

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