Chapter 15 : Bullied

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Somebody said that it is funny the way I tell people not to steal my book.

Honestly, I laughed. Like Wth? It was funny. Truth is that if you steal it you won't be able to decipher your face from a baboon.


Its Monday again.

When its Friday, everyone is happy! Because you'll get to rest. When its Saturday you'll sleep in, maybe chill or play video games or go to a party. When its Sunday you go to church, dreading the next day to come and on Sunday evening you begin to run helter skelter because you had been procrastinating your school work, and by Monday, you are a walking zombie.

Everybody hates Mondays. And I'm the biggest Monday hater in the whole world.

I spent the Saturday mopping around and not answering calls from the boys. On Sunday I prayed my rosary on my own, apparently I don't know where the Hell a Catholic church is here. I did some homework and slept also. let me be truthful, I didn't want to get lost or find my head between a fence... Nobody likes that.

On Monday I woke up extra early so I could avoid Mordecai taking me to school in his red jeep. At 6:00am I was already up and walking to school.

School was a 45 minute walk and I chewed my lip expecting the horrors of highschool any moment. I was the  most popular girl at my old school in Nigeria, why? Because my parents were stinky rich. But I wasn't those snotty rich brats who are mean and think low of others because of who my parents are. I was openly friendly but it didn't mean I didn't have people who talked badly about me or treated me like shit either.

Every one knew the Crest Industries. Everyone knew who I was, but I had the two best friends who loved me for me. Not because I was the most popular girl or the richest girl. They loved me for... me. Now I was kind of wishing I was one of the snubby spoiled rich girls.

I don't know who I am anymore. I can't walk with my head high, I can't seat in the cafeteria without being bullied and made fun of, I can't seat in class without having a spit ball thrown to the back of my head. And I can't stand without being paranoid that someone is planning to hurt me in seconds.

In less than two months I had become a scared mess.

I held my chemistry text book and a notebook to my chest and walked fearfully through the hallway. Students part away from me as if I have a disease, they eye me with distaste and talk about me with pure malice.

"HANNAH! " a voice screamed making everywhere fall silent, the squeaking of sneakers was heard from afar but it came closer. Students parted as I saw a familiar smile, only causing me to frown. "There she is guys! "

I glared at the floor as they approached. I loved them and all but sometimes they annoyed the fuck out of me.

Alexis beamed and Jordan smirked. Nobody moved. They stared at us, well... Mostly the boys. Kenneth on the other hand just glared at anybody looking at us for too long.

Oh God! Which kind thing be this na!?

Jordan slung his arm lazily on my shoulder, some students gasped while some were popeyed. I bit in my cheek at the attention I was getting. "Hanny, wassup? " Jordan smirked.

"Alright people, nothing to see here! " Alexis yelled, turning serious. Everyone murmured and scattered, I sighed and gave a tight smile to the boys. Alexis smiled and gave me a bone crushing hug, huh, I guess I needed that.

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