Chapter 16: Humiliated

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I was in the nurses office... Again.

Memories of earlier flooded my mind as my lip began to quiver. Did they upload the video? What happened? How could I have passed out?!

I mean how couldn't I? I banged my head on the floor, kept crying my eyes out, got slapped in the face one-too many times, got kicked in the gut with 5inch heels and was about to face the worse humiliation yet.

Yeah... I still passed out. If I had only stayed stronger or beat Abby's Ass I wouldn't be in the schools clinic. Well my life sucks. I hopped up from the bed and bent over immediately, taking in as much air as possible. I stood up straighter, holding my right hand to my chest.

Every step I took I winced. I looked down to see I had my grey hoodie on, but who wore it for me?

The nurse wasn't in her office, so I stepped out. Bad idea...

The hallway was flooded with students. Damn, I wished school was over...

Well how could it?
I thought.

I walked slowly and used my hoodie to cover my face, I put my hands deep in my pants pocket and kept my eyes down casted. I needed to know what the time was, How long I was out, if the video was uploaded .

No stupid! Them no upload am, them they wait for you!

I took a deep breath, already agitated because I was so depressed that I ended up having a mental talk with my self. I know, I was a mess, wasn't I?

I just wanted a peace.

After what happened the first day of school, when I left my phone in my locker and was thrown into the pool for a 'traditional wet pool fest', I learnt to be leaving my phone at home during school days.

I found out that it was 11am, I almost screamed. 3more hours till school was over. I couldn't spend 3 hours here. And worst of all, I had P. E today. It was break time, and I was hungry.

And so here I was, standing at the entrance of the cafeteria and rushing in the queue of people lining up to get lunch. When it got to my turn, I had to remove my hands from my pocket and take a trail. Heads slowly turned to me as I made my way to an empty seat.

How could I have thought that I could go the rest of the day unseen?

Whispers and comments started going haywire.  "Hannah? " Jordan's voice called, he was standing beside me with Kenneth and Alexis. "What's wrong, Alex and I didn't see you in Math. "

I sniffed, Alex noticed this and sat by me "aw bae, what's wrong? "

I ignored what he called me and wiped my eyes before the tears fell. Jordan frowned and pulled down my hoodie revealing bloodshot eyes. Alexis gasped and then turned serious "who did it? " he demanded

"Hannah, what happened? " Jordan took the other seat by my left, scooting closer. I sniffed again, Alexis tightened his jaw and clenched his fist "who made you cry?! "

Kenneth sat down, now interested in the topic and studied me with his poker face.

"Not now guys please " I mumbled "I'm -I'm hungry"

Alex grunted "I'll kill them "

Jordan sighed "okay Hannah, eat you look sick"

I snorted "yeah... I guess"

"One name Hannah, give me one  name and I swear they won't see the next sunrise" Alexis urged me.

I closed my eyes "I'm a fool guys "

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