Chapter 9 : My Friends?

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Black spots filled my vision as I took in big gulps of water thrashing my hand around in hopes of swimming out, but failing pathetically.

Another body entered the water and swam directly to me. My eyes hurt from being open, and exposed to the water. A pair of arms wrapped around my waist, holding he close to their chest and swimming to the surface of the pool.

The person helped me out and layed me gently to the floor, my head felt heavy and breathing felt hard. The person pumped my chest trying to get rid of the water. But I wasn't responding.
"Come on, come on" I heard faintly from the person. What a marvelous voice. It sounded smooth and deep.

"quédate conmigo, vamos! ella no responde... JORDAN! KEN!! " The person yelled, he spoke in a language I didn't understand... But that didn't mean I didn't find it attractive

"CPR, she needs CPR " another voice said

I felt something warm on my lip, feeling air pumped into my body, to help me breathe. The person continued to pump my chest until I coughed up water that had been blocking my breathing.

"ella tiene que ir a la clínica, y alguien tiene que quedarse con ella... Ken, copiar mis notas ya" I felt arms picking me up and drawing me close to a chest. I cuddled in the persons arms already shivering.

Soon after I was in the clinic and was attended to... Before I went to oblivion.

                   ****     ****    ****
I blinked rapidly as I sat up, coughing and taking in as much air as I could. I was on a bed... A bed? I shot up and looked around frantically

"You're up" said a thickly accented voice.

I whipped towards the direction of the voice "wh-who are you? "

The boy standing in front of me had pink plump lips with black hair, he had dark brown eyes and a kind smile, he looked like he had the height of 5feet 9inches. My height. "I'm Alexis,you can call me Alex though Nice to meet you" he said slowly, like I was going to run away. I kept quiet and just stared at him. He was handsome "you should rest" he spoke up again with his deep voice. My arms unconsciously went to my sides as I wrapped them around my self. His eyes showed a lot of care."You don't have to go to class you know, I took permission for you" he gave me a warm smile, I returned a weaker one.

He got a text and looked at his phone. He texted back and shoved it down his pants. "My friends are coming over, hope you don't mind"

I shook my head and sat back down.

Why did he help me?

The door opened and two guys came in. "Hey Alejandro " the one with cool green eyes spoke first. Even though he held a smirk, his eyes were cold.

"Stop it, only my mom calls me that! " Alexis Gritted

He only laughed and patted his back "sure mama's boy"

There was another boy in their midst, he had brown hair with dark, almost black, eyes. He just stood there looking handsome "Kenneth, you are playing with fire you know that"

Kenneth huffed and folded his arms, the guy with brown hair and dark brown eyes stepped forward "Hey, I'm Jordan, and that grumpy one is Kenneth"  Kenneth scoffed and folded his arms, while Jordan held his arm out for a shake.

I looked at it, eyes wide, like he had leprosy.

He awkwardly took his hand back "look, we saw you getting pushed in the pool and we thought it was too much... So we helped " Said Jordan.

I just stayed quiet as I stared at the floor. The guys shared a look and Alexis spoke up "we didn't mean any harm, we promise. We would like to be your friends"

I gave him a look. Was it out of pity? "my friend? " I whispered, only Alexis heard me

"Yes, your friends... Come on, school will soon be over" Alexis said, helping me up to walk slowly. My jeans felt some what wet, Jordan and Kenneth casually trailed behind us.

The bell rang and the halls were instantly packed, people gave me annoyed looks. That made Kenneth and Jordan take a protective stance and walked deathly close to me. Trapping me within them.

I wasn't complaining though.

I reached my locker, before I could open it, my mind drifted to something... Or should I say, someone.


I ran, I ran away from the boys who looked surprised at my action or hurt that I ran away from them, probably thinking I was avoiding them. They called but I ignored them. I ran back to the clinic and barged in, Not caring if anyone else was in there. How could I be so selfish? Scar tried to protect me and I forgot about her. I didn't even remember. She was probably suffering because of me. It should have been me, not her.

I frantically looked for the nurse. When I saw her, she looked spooked at my outburst "do you know anyone named Scarlet Rogers? She's yay high " I said making emphasis with my arms "she dyed her hair with some streaks of red, has numerous piercings on her face. She was having blood oozing from her head"

"Relax, no body with the name scarlet Rogers was here, Miss" the nurse said, looking at me worriedly.

The only thing that could pass my lips were "oh God"



Hello.... If you have guessed what language Alex speaks tell me here

...what language? 

Okay, so how's the book so far?

Man, I love guys with an accent.

The answer will be answered in the next chapter

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