Chapter 11: Real life shit

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Chap 11:real life shit

Hi guys I am so happy for the reads!!! Please state your favorite character and likes!!

Like o m g!! I'm excited! This journey will be awesome. Please take note of the characters and their behavior, oh who am I kidding, I love you all!!!

@emeraldtrey for being a fantastic and supporting friend

@ogieosaruese for being the friend who urges me to continue what I love doing best

@VictoriaSmith740 for being my first and supporting reader and commenter this means so much to me!

@Zoyaak888 thank you so much for being a wonderful not-judging friend.

Thank you all so much!! And to all my readers, I say you guys rock!!

And... It's my BIRTHDAY TODAYY!!

And I have one thing to say, who cares if you are black? Who cares if you are disabled? Who cares if you have one arm or one leg? Who cares if you have color blindness? Who cares if you have dyslexia?

Well I don't . I don't fucking care! You guys are special, its what's on the inside that counts. You are somebody, you are strong and great. You are important.

And I am talking to all those who think they are less, who think they are inferior, because you are not. Don't let them step on you. Because we will fight them together.

And if anyone tells you otherwise you'll say "i am beautiful /handsome, I am smart. I am Gods image and I matter " you are made in Gods image and likeness, never forget that.

And I'm going to stop talking now, I know you all want to read the story so enjoy.

At midnight, after one final ring, I sighed and willed myself to sleep.

If I don't start sleeping well, I'll get sick

In the morning, I yawned and groaned out of bed. That feeling you get when you slept late and regret in the morning, I felt it. I didn't only feel it, I held it, deep within my brain, na which kind suffer be this na?

I was like a zombie, grunting and groaning all my way to the bathroom.

Pedro laid on the bed like a sack of beans, I let out a snort and eyed him with distaste. Last night he met me crying, but chose to ignore. I didn't know what I was expecting, maybe for him to show me he cared, but that was a foolish thought.

I was grateful either way, because I didn't feel like talking to a guy whose ego was the size of Africa.

I shut the bathroom door and walked up to the mirror, viewing my red bloodshot eyes, chapped lips, and thick tangled hair.

I sniffed and rubbed my tired eyes.

I took a warm bath to relax my sore body. My side wound was closing up, I washed my hair with a flower scented soap then washed my body. After that I brushed my teeth.

Changing in the bathroom, I wore a yellow top with a red hoodie and a black rugged jeans. I didn't bother combing my hair which I knew I would regret.

My tender scalp was a pain in the ass.

I sighed and picked up my black rucksack, walking to the dining area to have something to eat. I missed my food back in Nigeria, it just isn't the same here. And the cooking supplies weren't here either. I took something that looked familiar to me, bread and jam.

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