Chapter 19: I lost you.

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Hello guys. Another sweet chapter for today, please enjoy and stay tuned. I'm Dedicating this chapter to Thekeebs12

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Thank you and ride on.

Waking up was something to look forward to.

I guess the Wednesday won't be as bad as I thought. Scarlet ended up ditching me and stopped talking to me. I figured I can't have such a friendship thrown away that easily, there had got to be a reason why she changed all of a sudden. Usually I'm not an early riser but today felt different so, why not?

What's the worst thing that could happen?

I took my tooth paste while humming a tune to myself. I always liked Burna boy's voice, that deep smooth tone he uses. I tapped my feet and rocked my head as I did a spin and hopped.

In the bathroom, I ripped off my clothes without a care in the world still humming and dancing. One of my specialties were hiphop and some other dance moves like Shaku Shaku, Zanku, Guara Guara, Skeleu and so on. I used to do a little break dance back then but lately I hadn't had time to dance. After bathing, I emerged with the water dripping freely from my body as the towel was held tightly to my chest. An easy smile came at my face and I felt happy. Dancing made me, me. It made me happy. It felt like I could give so many emotions through it.

Today I had made up my mind, no body was ruining my day or else some shit would go down and with that thought I wore a white ripped jeans, black Nike sneakers and a spaghetti T-shirt. I blow dried my hair making it look fuller than it already was. I applied a dark shadowy eye shadow and a cat shaped eyeliner. My lipstick was red and bold giving me that bad girl look. I looked at myself in the mirror, already impressed with what I saw but felt something was missing.

With a mischievous smirk, I marched down to Levi's room and knocked loudly. I wanted to do Amebo.

Levi appeared with a ruffled hair wearing a pair of blue boxers. His face had a scowl etched on it.

Huh, not a morning person either.

"What!" he snapped, still half asleep

"I need a ride to school Lev," I said poking my head into his room.

Since I took Pedro's room, Levi, Gabriel and Pedro had been sharing a room. I pushed Levi out of the way as I began to look through their clothes. They were all too big for me.

Now I wondered why Mordecai had a room to himself. Why couldn't him and Pedro share a room and then leave an empty room for me? And they say girls are complicated.

I finally found what I was looking for m, it was still big, but awesome. The leather was fantastic and the black seemed to shine and go well with my shoe. Without asking, I shrugged the jacket on and faced Levi whose face was imprinted on the door, sleeping away.

I sighed and marched over to him. "Levi oh!"

He continued to snore and I sighed again, hitting him up side the head. He bounced off the door, startled "I need a ride to school," I said clearer,

he blinked rapidly his eyes seemed to finally focus. "Arrgh! 5 more minutes." he groaned


"Okay okay, get out for a sec," he pushed me out and backed the door, grumbling beneath his breath. I decided to wait in the kitchen, a smile threatening to break free from a face.

After ten minutes Levi came out wearing a black T-shirt that hugged his lean physique and black faded jeans with white sneakers. His hair had that natural spike and his honey brown eyes shun with mischief as he strode confidently towards me.

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